The simple fact that GTA 4 be delayed, due to the fact that maybe the game is just so F'en big that the DVD9 can't hold it all??? Instead we have A-holes like Patcher comin' out and sayin' it's the PS3's fault?? Now people see this guy come out, and of course hop on the band wagon. I'm sorry for this thread, but i feel like venting right now. Patcher clearly states that the only reason they can think of for the delay is because Rockstar doesn't know how to develope on the PS3. I always thought that developement started on it, before GTA was even announced multi-plat. This game was intended to be huge, but now because the 360 also has to have their hands on it, they have to dumb it down. I mean think about this. Freakin' GTA San Andreas was 9gb big right there. Now you are going Next-gen with better graphics, and expect THAT to be just as big as San Andreas, and with better graphics to fit on 9gb? No, doesn't work that way. This is stupid, and totally dumb that people buy into this crap. This is almost as bad as sayin' Resident Evil 5 is racist because they are black zombies now. give me a break, this gamin' industry seems like it's goin' down the crapper to me now, because it's not about the consumer, and it's not about the love of the game anymore, it's about money, and you can thank Microtw*t for that.
Thank you for listening to me, and have a nice day :)
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