@Captain_Swosh69: I don't get it even when the animation is finished I feel like I am just stuck in place. I get adaptability can speed up the animation but seriously its kinds of ridiculous. Oh well. What I mean captain is they are super tough to beat if you don't have a 100% fire shield. I tried many many times and the smelter is just too aggresive for me to have a chance to heal then his belly fire would wear me down quick.
Goron24's forum posts
I started NG+ a couple days ago. Before I did I killed every NPC just to get any items they may drop. Now there's red phantoms day and night, plus a whole lot of invasions. I was several years behind the release of Demon's and Dark Souls, til only last year. So I never totally understood how any of it worked. Either way I'm wondering if there's a way to reverse my sin level in this. I know I could play offline, but is there a way to reduce my sin level?
That isn't your sin level. Welcome to NG+ There are tons of people pvping in NG+ because thats where the accepted pvp cap is (Level 150). Also part of NG+ Is the addition of red phantoms to some bosses and just all over the world in general.
I love the dark souls series but this time around I find it super frustrating. My character seems to have a huge delay after doing anything. I mean Ill sit there idle after healing for a good second mashing my roll button and nope I am dead, not to mention some bosses require you to have certain equipment or you don't stand a chance (smelter and guardian dragon). This game just feels like fromsoft took the route of some boss encouters are going to be cheap rather than fair.
Pvp as well is just garbage. I was using full havels armor and if i got hit once before I hit the enemy I was staggered. Is poise no longer usefull at all in pvp? Not to mention even though fromsoft claims to use dedicated servers I still constantly get lag stabbed. I lost one pvp duel due to a spellcast that on my screen never ever happened yet I hit them twice with my claymore and it didn't go through...
I am super frustrated it seems like magic builds are the only viable way pvp in this game...
Estus used by the host no longer heals friendly phantoms, however as far as I know white and black phantoms can use their own estus to heal themselves. Level playing field.
in other words, I'm trying to tame some familairs in The Shimmering Sands, Ding Dong Dell Plains, and The Deep Dark Forest I can kill most in one hit. My question is am I killing them before im taming them or does it matter how much damage you do like if they have 50 HP and i do 60 Damage am I not able to tame them cause I do more damage then HP they have.
The answer is no. You have to deplete their lifebar in order to be able to tame them and when you do so your familiars stop attacking. So be patient even with 1 hit KO you will still be able to tame familiars at lower levels its just random
I understand when I am behind someone and I melee I go into an execute animation and kill them thats fine. But I've ran at people and knifed them point blank from the front (twice) and only gotten hit markers and the COD style horizontal slash, however when someone Runs straight at me and does the same to me they get an execture animation where the knife gets shoved into my neck... WTF is going on here, this pisses me off to no end.
I've been following this game for some time and am very interested in getting my hands on it. However, the couple of push backs has sored my patience. It's good to push back to make sure you're releasing a good product but if they don't keep May 28th I may lose interested, I.E. Prey 2 pushbacks and current non-commital.
you know they've released a demo right?
I agree with you on almost everything.
Judgement campaign overall was just bad and boring at the same time.The final fight with Karn(think thats his name)just plain sucked.And Aftermath was just a big waste of time.Both campaigns could have been shortened into dlc content for Gears 3.Judgement was not necesarry,but greed will always triumpf.
I also disagree with your opinion on mp,at least as far as tdm is concerned.Gears 3 maps are way too small and,as they said,flat for tdm.Therefor there is spawn trapping.And due to all these small maps and the terrible respawn system,power weapon camping,or camping in general, is inevitable.In judgement,the maps are big and that eliminates spawn trapping, and camping.Gears 3 maps work well for Warzone,cuz there is no respawn,not for tdm,maps are way too small.
I think there are only 2 power weapons in each map just like previous Gears games.I do agree with you on the frags,but in order to balance the scale,epic made the frags just about useless,the only way they can kill is if your right next to them,if your like 3 feet away or something like that,they wont kill you,the other way,they stick to you,which is cheap.
In short,Gears 3 tdm is just a big frustrating mess.Judgement is not.
I don't know what kind of frags people been throwing at you but ive been killed around corners by a frag. Ive also had issues where people stood on nades and didn't die. The overall consistency of this game is terrible. nothing works the same way twice.
I've played Metro 2033 several times over and adore it, despite the awkward stealth segments. It's one of those games that's as much a work of art as anything else.
Anyway, I'm curious how the two games are related in terms of their stories. Does Last Light pick up where 2033 left off? If so, which of the two endings is canon?
Its a sequel. the books these were based on are a trilogy if i am not mistaken.
I just bought a PS3 today so how am I troll? You have no idea what a good console is. Its all bout Exclusives and Graphics. I had my PS3 for 5 hours and I can already tell playstation is better than Xbox.
Believe me I know both systems I have both. Im a true gamer not some fanboy. You wanna talk about sony go ahead, but get the **** off of the gears forums you idiot.
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