GrandpaDeath's forum posts
Which one should I do?
It works well with Wii Sports and Wario touch and stuff, even SMG but still.
Just so I understand does the PS3 have to be on in order to play remote play? And you can only be so far from the PS3 right? and I can play ANY playstation game on my PSP via PS3? Is this right?
Also Im thinking of getting a WIRELESS racing wheel. Anyone know of any good models?
She is getting a DS and Nintendogs for Xmas.
I just don't know what to get her, she is 13 y/o, and she is not a hardcore gamer, she likes playing games on the internet, they're usually simple games you know?
She also likes gimmicky stuff like The Beautiful Katamari and Simpsons game.
Is Elite Beat Agents a good choice? I heard it was a tad bit difficult, The soundtrack seems alright, lotta people complain about that too though. I know she LOVES Hannah Montana but that game looks real lame, not well put together and it's just selling the name really.
I think Im set on Elite Beat Agents just cause it looks fun, promotes the use of the stylus and seems upbeat and colorful.
Im open to other suggestions (casual gaming).
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