Read my reply to Britcey. Unintentional diversity is letting the creator of the content write freely. They aren't consciously confined to diversity guidelines just to please some social justice warriors
Ah right. Because I only just gave a coherent opinion that differs from yours. Here's another way I'm thinking for about you stick to mowing lawns Pedro (since we're judging people)
@Britcey: The same way life presents diversity by itself naturally. There wasnt a boardroom of pandering CEO's trying to come up with the zebra or trunk for the elephant.
Same with fiction. The creator shouldn't be forced to write under politically correct guidelines. If thats the story and those are the characters they naturally came up with originally and it's all part of their natural creative process, so be it.
But changing storyline, adding/removing content just to make it more "diversified" so whiny SJW's are happy is wrong. I guarantee Tracer wasn't originally gay. It was probably changed for "diversity."
@mickpunx: It has nothing to do with playing it. It's another futuristic CoD that no one wanted. It's like going to your once favorite Italian restaurant that only serves okay Chinese food now. it's not what we want from our CoDs.
@edinko: you say that like we know each other. But hey, you agreed with me. I guess the broken edinko clock has to be right at some point of the day ;)
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