@joe_b1_kenobi: my 1st (and last) time with FC:Primal was the survivor mode. Where you only get one life. I got about 10 hours in and after a while I forgot I was still playing that mode. When I died...that was it. All for nothing. I returned the game the next day. Bless the Red Box!
@idkhowtoplay007: Ahh the hopeful innocence. Like pretending to let the kid brother play football with the older kids only to fall for his 100th session of "keep away".
@attirex: I hate to say it but I agree. There seems to be a misconception that because it's "open world" that more time and care went into it. It's not always the case.
For me, I actually get bored when there's too much to do. You start off simple trying to further the story and 12 hours in you realize you're still doing lame fetch side quest for that lazy NPC who won't do it themselves. It's why I won't play MMO's...I already have a job, I'm not paying someone so I can do theirs. ;)
@Lizard_King89: Ubisoft has not had a good track record. The Division was obviously downgraded and much of the features and DLC cut. Watch Dogs was a glitchy downgraded mess. R6 Siege was also downgraded with much of its detail gone and Wildlands is a washed out looking Just Cause circa Xbox 360.
I watched Angry Joe play an earlier version of this (after they released the amazing intro and gameplay trailer). It looked NOTHING like what they showed originally. It looks like Just Cause did on the Xbox 360. We got another Division and Siege bait n'switch here.
@jenovaschilld: the lows definitely outweigh the good. How anyone can justify spending 3-4 times more on a platform that's highly unreliable and becomes obsolete twice as fast.
Lol are you serious? How can you say that when some of the brand name video cards alone cost over $600??
You can buy a new PS4 for less than half that.
"+ Several beloved PC franchises came out strong"
Um like what? Last I checked, all the heavy hitters from the PC franchise have shifted more focus to consoles (Blizzard, CD Projekt Red, Valve etc...)
"+VR applications are showcasing its potential"
Ha! VR? This is a trend and gimmick at best. You just gave it a negative for being high in cost. So really you just contradicted your cost effective perk.
Gravity_Slave's comments