@A_Rabid_Dog I don't know, I've been finding your serious nature towards the PC quite a delightful turnaround.
@A_Rabid_Dog @Grayle @HackedLife Thank goodness it was all the way down here, I don't think many people saw it.
@A_Rabid_Dog @Grayle @WantYouBad Tell me something I don't know...these forums are making me twice as fast.
@Cloud_imperium @puukusa Speaking of...whatever happened to that other thing that people were calling the steambox until they announced the price and valve went running for the hills...I haven't heard a thing about that box (whosever it was) since.
@A_Rabid_Dog @FAIL_RETURNETH @fatherofsword I thought you were married...there goes my whole belief system.
Grayle's comments