@DogDingus If you honestly sat there for about 10mins and thought about it, i'm sure you could come up with about a dozen different ways to take it... If we can make a million games about 1 planet, imagine what you could do with an entire galaxy.
@Jasurim @Grayle If there'd been a couple thousand years in between, there's a lot that could've happened. Maybe the synthetic combo wasn't as swell as they thought, or maybe some new neighbors moved in and eradicated everything, and the story he was telling at the end was only the beginning.
@Jasurim Maybe it'll be set in the time frame of where the very ending scene was set, where Shepard was that of legend, and what really happened is a little vague.
@jamesbond15 I like Sheppard as much as the next person (especially since mine was the most awesome, of course). But sometimes we have to accept that it's time to move on to a new chapter.
Grayle's comments