@Pendragon101 @Grayle @CeZar_87 Well then you'll enjoy this article about the link between lower IQs and pointless aggressive behavior http://www.crimetimes.org/95c/w95cp10.htm :)
@Sun-Tzu-GE @Grayle nothing lasts forever.... and soon your tv is going to have listening devices in it.. your appliances, your car...just about everything you'll own, whether we like it or not...yay technology!
@CeZar_87 I like that a lot of these people I've seen over the weeks, saying the exact same thing article after article after article... is there so little in your lives?
I'll just repost this link of gamespot explaining the link between fanboys and insecurities...and, as always, this goes for the kids on both sides the fence.. http://www.gamespot.com/shows/reality-check/?event=are-you-a-console-fanboy-20130707
Grayle's comments