I love Bioware and I have played and thoroughly enjoyed every game that they have published since their move to consoles in 2003 when they released the breathtaking Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This game, or KoTOR as it is also known, was a breakthrough in game design and story telling that was not only the best Star Wars game ever published, but the best Star Wars story, in any medium, ever made. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, and haven't even seen the second prequel trilogy, but the game broke through the Star Wars ethos by delivering something fresh and new, and because of this game, I looked forward to and played every game that Bioware released, each ranking among my favourite games of all time. Until now.
Dragon Age: Origins is in many ways typical of a Bioware RPG. It is set in a dark fantasy setting with a detailed and evolving story line that adapts to your behaviour and choices as a player. You make choices, live with the consequences and play through what I understand is a sixty hour story line that is epic and very much in line with the mythology of these settings. Half way into the game (26 hours in fact, according to the in-game clock), I'm struggling with it, struggling to care.
There are two fundamental flaws in the game that have diminished my enjoyment of it to the point that I'm ready to toss in the towel. First, the story (at least to the half way point) is boring and unenjoyable. Yes, big bad things are happening, I'm going to save the world, I need to bring people together, everybody needs me to solve their problems before they agree to join me, and zzzzzzzz. Where was I? Oh yeah, the Dwarves have a political problem and I have to go on a quest to choose who the successor of the throne zzzzzzzz. Hmmm, where was I? Some would argue that this is the story line in any fantasy world, from Lord of the Rings to the Chronicles of Narnia, Raiders of the Lost Ark to Star Wars, and I understand that. I embrace it. However, there is something about this story that is so tired that it eventually just gets boring. I don't want to go on another fetch quest, or save somebody's wife from turning into a werewolf. I just don't give a crap about these people - I'm playing for the point at which the game becomes interesting and it just isn't happening. Is it the pacing? I don't know, but boring is boring and if it doesn't pick up, a "story based" game can't succeed with a boring story.
A boring story is bad - in fact it's worse than no story (see my earlier post on Borderland), however the game play on Dragon Age is just as horrible. I understand that the lead platform for the game was the PC and that it was ported over to the 360 and the PS3. Perhaps the game play suffers on a console because it doesn't have the benefit of a mouse and keyboard. However, it was released on the consoles, and I expect the game to work on the system that I choose to spend my money on. The controls, particularly in battle, are simply broken. The player can program some tactics for each of the characters, but frankly if I wanted to work at developing AI routines instead of playing a game then I wouldn't be playing the damn game. Trying to slow things down to a move-by-move strategy (as in KoTOR) is not allowed in Dragon Age, which means that you are constantly trying to pause and redirect characters who are incredibly stupid if left to their predetermined tactics.
This is not fun. I wish it was. I'm done. Sorry Bioware, our affair is over. Please don't screw up the sequel to Mass Effect. I don't think I can handle back to back failures from you.
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