Come on guys, you dont have to lie to make friends. "Martial Arts proffesionals"? Body builders? College football players? Come on. Whats next someone claiming to be President Bush on here?!?!? Itsnot just that I dont believe there are people like this posting on these boards. Its just that I REFUSE to believe it!
no way, im in shape, i weigh 270 lbs @ 17% body fat, ill be at 14 in a couple months, powerlifting/bodybuilding FTW
How in gods name do you look like that but come and post on video game website? What if someone walked in on you while on here posting? It would ruin your rep!!
A lot of times, a company will give up the rights to certain properties in order to make a break from their parent company. Nintendo probably kept the rights to those titles when the two companies seperated.Scion68
Yea thats what I thought. But it still says Rare on the new Starfoxes and Donkey Kongs I think.
Yea I know that. i am asking why Star Fox and Donkey Kong are still Nintendo games. My guess is that they were a different part of Rareware, and Nintendo just still has the rights. I guess you misinterpreted my question. Im not complaining or anything, and saying they should be Microsoft now, cause they shouldnt. Im just asking how it works.
So Microsoft owns Rare now. Ok when Rare was owned by Nintendo and made all the amazing games for N64 like Goldeneye, Conker, Perfect Dark, Banjo etc. Was it a separte part of Rare that made Donkey Kong and Star Fox? Because they are still owned by Nintendo and are stillNintendo games. I dont get it. Did Nintendo just get to keep the rights of those franchises with some sort of deal or something?
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