So you all know that I am a heavy Call of Duty player. I am excited for the new Call of Duty; Black Ops, and what is yet to come for Modern Warfare 2. But what has come out for Modern Warfare 2 has kept me shouting for more. The first map pack was amazing, Bail out is still my favorite map next to crash. I was struck with amazement when I saw how well they put all the old maps back together with better graphics and such. Then the newest mappack was amazing. Fuelm, Trailer Park, and Carnivalare themostoriginal maps I have ever playedon when it comes to any multiplayer first person shooter. The size and originality of the newest maps mixed together to make an unreal experince for the first personshooter.Right now I am at my dad's place and he is with out an HD capable television and all I have is a SOny HD cord. I am not able to play. I hope that everyone has a great summer and has gaming experinces they can tell me about because I would love to hear them.
Thank you, Greater Area
Damian Reyes
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