lmao Damage control? u honestly think I care about what a few pimply faced basement dwelling kids think? I'm getting the X1 day one regardless homie. I'll get the PS4 when it can play mp3s
I wasn't insulting gamers. I was insulting fanboys and groupies that are on here having erections over 3rd party devs having a hard time programing for a new console that was modified a month ago even though the games look the same as the do on the ps4 and Ryse looks better than everything on the ps4 that I've seen so far.
They aren't having a hard time programming a new console.. The Xbox One GPU can't hit 1080p at 60fps in most games that is not going to change over the course of the generation...That's not fanboy son that's fact... They use the same assets but the difference between resolution between 720p and 1080p is 1.2 million pixels. 720 is only .9million, 1080 is 2.1 million. That's not fanboy that's fact
That's fanboy son not fact at all. especially since everybody including "the great" cboat said that devs are having problems but it'll get better down the line. hell battlefield devs even said that shit. come on man, just cuz the Sony Roaches say it don't mean it's a fact.
that's what they call Sony fanboys in Japan.
He just gave you factual numbers but you'd rather blame it on devs and hope of hidden power? You're special lol.
You're a fanboy.
LMMFAO Man check my recently played. I'm still playing the ps2, N64, Gamecube, Snes, Ps1, 360 and ect... I have never and will never dick ride or bend over for a corporation. I am stating the facts that the devs have leaked so far and that neo gaf is reporting on.
You have MS dick within you.
What are you defending a 720 vs 1080 experience for? As a clear headed individual the numbers should be enough. You're stating the opposite of facts.. you're dreaming and hoping
This is embarrassing. The irony in that opening sentence is too crazy. I can't play resolution. I can only play games. I am defending 720 in what way? I'm saying give them time to figure the damn system out. I know u remember how ass almost every PS3 game looked the first year and how far it came in year 7. Give it time kid. In the mean time, accept the fact that both consoles will be great down the line and move on with your life.
You're an embarassment.
If resolution doesn't matter lets all play on CR-TV's. Add the fact that its the more expensive console causing such an inferiority lapse of 720P vs 1080P on the SAME title. You bring up PS3... All PS3/360 multiplats ran in same res.. differences mostly came down to contrast or MAYBE slight framerate differences.
"Give it time" = lets hope.
The architecture is the same, ESRAM won't save you. Stop hoping
CTFU this is why nobody takes u seriously. u make an ass outta yourself with every damn comment
You have no come back? Ok cool.
Keep hoping devs stop being "lazy" lol and shitty ESRAM wakes up.
ctfu I said the devs lazy? I have a comeback, I just refuse to go back and forth with a dick riding roach in a console war that don't exist.
Just stop your damage control, it's getting ridiculous.
The facts are here.
PS4 >>>>>>>>>>> Xbone
Deal with it.
No. They have been biased towards PS4.
Remember when they say the PS4 was getting 1080p while the xbox one was getting 900p.? Part of the fact that make it believable was that Edge heavily anti PS3 in fact Edge has the biggest collection of low score for PS3 exclusives for Edge most PS3 exclusives are 6..lol
and yet somehow Forza is 1080/60. look man, pc specs and console specs are completely different and u still not accounting for the esram. devs will learn how to use it better over time.
Dude Forza is a damn Racing game is not comparable in any way to a FPS engine,those are heavier and demand more power period this is not my opinion it is a well know fact.
Add to this that Forza is build like a last gen game with pretty much nothing dynamic fake effects and car damage,is not demanding at all,is the reason why it hits 1080p 60 FPS.
wasn't u hyping drive club? why the hypocrisy? oh and even on the almighty PS4, Drive Club was sub 30 fps
Okey, homie, dawg, gangsta,...
This you brah?
Have fun with your casual, weaker more expensive cablebox then.
And pls keep up yo gangsta slang and yo damage control. It's hilarious...homeboy
Homie is gangsta slang? smh I guess it must be a white person thing huh? We can compare bank accounts if u want though. I'm sure that would be interesting. "buddy, guy, dude, bro, partner" stop trying to justify your purchase and enjoy what u choose to enjoy. also stop trying to stereotype a race of people on GameSpot. It makes u look weaker and more idiotic than most of the people on here already believe u are.
Looks like I rustled some gangsta jimmies.
Lol u mad...dawg?
what would I be mad for? I'm just enjoying myself at the expense of u pimply faced basement dwelling virgin ass nerds lmao thanks for the entertainment.
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