If it's an FFVII remake I'll paint the walls white with spunk.
Gregoric's forum posts
New style for me, because I've never been into survival horror.
However, RE4/5 are more action orientated, but still quite violent and gross, so I like it still.
Must say, I always slated Resi 5 when I first played the demo, but I bought the Tin edition simply because I could buy a game, and there was nothing else out, and I've gotta say...I absolutely LOVE it so far.
Coincidentally, my 22" LG monitor came today.
All I did was turn my PS3 completely off, so off at the back as well. Then I hooked up the HDMI, turned it on. And the Ps3 asked me if I wanted to use HDMI, I siad yes..then it asked if I wanted 1080p, I said yes, and that was it for me.
Anyways, turn your ps3 off at the back.
Put your finger on the stand-by button (on the console)
While your finger is still on it, flick the back switch and keep the reset button held down. That's what I do before i had HD when I had to switch back to my SD tv after being at a friend's house or w/e.
Dude, if you're looking for a gd line-up of exclusive games then PS3 is what you want.
I mean there are great exclusives already (MGS4, Uncharted, Resistance 1+ 2, LBP) and there are also amazing exclusives coming out (Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, Killzone 2, GOW III, FFXIII).
As for MGS4, you'll get the best experience out of it if you play MGS1, 2 and 3. I, however, played through 1 and 2 and I still got most of the plot from 4 although I had to do a little bit of further reading afterwards. MGS4 if you're a fan, though, will absolutely blow you away, it's just filled with cool references and nods to the fans etc.
God of War III will definitely be exclusive, FFXIII VERSUS will be exclusive to PS3, although a version of FFXIII is being developed for XBOX although I hear that the PS3 version is the way to go if you want to experience FFXIII the way in which it was intended.
Anyways, right now the PS3 has an awesome year ahead, you shouldn't miss out. I see sooo many vid comments from people wishing they had a PS3 on the GOWIII and KZ2 videos, don't miss out.
I'm really looking forward to 50cent Blood on the Sand, looks like it's going to be funny as hell lol.
Looks like a gangsta version of Gears of war...looks more fun as well.
What if I don't want Blu-ray? What if I don't give a rat's ass about Blu-ray? What if I just want to play games on my PS3 and maybe be able to watch DVDs?
Blu-ray is the most pathetic thing about the PS3, that's what is upping the price and so I'm not getting a PS3 at these prices for a feature I'll NEVER use.
Haha lol, I'm never going to watch Blu Ray movies either because I don't have an HD TV but why have a go at Sony for including a cool and new feature which many people may indeed want?
Oh and yeah, you will use Blu Ray quite abit with the PS3...since y'know, every game is on Blu-Ray....so yeah...
The price is most probably higher for the built in wi-fi and the fact that the online services are all completely free and I think that deal is just fine tbh.
[QUOTE="Gregoric"]Even if the 360 did have a 33% failure rate at some point, it certainly doesn't now. I think the RROD is, for the most part, a thing of the past. I can pretty much agree with everything else you said though.Well, where I am a 360 costs about £160 with a couple of games depending on what bundle u get or whatever.
I saw a PS3 bundle with a coupla games for £270-275ish (most are about £300 though with about 2-3 games, like mine was).
Now that's £100 more expensive but from my perspective the Ps3 is still cheaper in the long run. This is because I would've had to have bought a wireless adapter for the 360 because I wanted the console in my room and didn't want to have to put cables through the walls or floors so I could plug it into the router. That saved me a further £60. I also don't have to pay the £40 subscription charge for 12 months of Xbox live. So that takes my
So basically a PS3 with built in wireless and a free online service equals the same amount of money (or nearly the same amount of money) as an Xbox 360 with a wireless adaptor and a 12 month live subscription. Not only that but you can also use the PS3 as a blu ray player IF YOU WANTED TO. I'm not making it out to be the selling point of the thing but hey, it's nice to have for very little money. Not only that but the components in the PS3 are much more innovative then the ones in the 360 (Cell processing, RSX) and the fact that it doesn't have a 33% failure rating like the 360 does plus the fact that there are some awesome exclusives, also.
I don't know how much MS has done to tackle the prob or whether they were successful but I've heard lots of wingeing from 360 owners who have new 360s complaining about RROD as well as those with the old systems. I have heard poeple muttering that the new systems are just as unreliable, but I don't have stats so I'm not going to ask anyone to hold me to that.
Well, where I am a 360 costs about £160 with a couple of games depending on what bundle u get or whatever.
I saw a PS3 bundle with a coupla games for £270-275ish (most are about £300 though with about 2-3 games, like mine was).
Now that's £100 more expensive but from my perspective the Ps3 is still cheaper in the long run. This is because I would've had to have bought a wireless adapter for the 360 because I wanted the console in my room and didn't want to have to put cables through the walls or floors so I could plug it into the router. That saved me a further £60. I also don't have to pay the £40 subscription charge for 12 months of Xbox live. So that takes my
So basically a PS3 with built in wireless and a free online service equals the same amount of money (or nearly the same amount of money) as an Xbox 360 with a wireless adaptor and a 12 month live subscription. Not only that but you can also use the PS3 as a blu ray player IF YOU WANTED TO. I'm not making it out to be the selling point of the thing but hey, it's nice to have for very little money. Not only that but the components in the PS3 are much more innovative then the ones in the 360 (Cell processing, RSX) and the fact that it doesn't have a 33% failure rating like the 360 does plus the fact that there are some awesome exclusives, also.
edit: Doesn't anyone on this thread grasp the concept of just because a system is more expensive, doesn't mean it's worse value.
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