Its good but it lacks the amazing open vistas of dark souls....being 2d has to do with that i guess....i played it when the during the wait for dark souls which they were clever enough to release this.
But the dark souls combat lends itself surprisingly well in a 2d game like this.
The frame rate on the Ps4 is beyond sad during co op....I can only imagine the plight of Xone users....I guess we really do need a ps4.5 and Xone.5 or whatever....
@Arguyle: Well maybe i was a tad wrong in my statement about the division and far cry primal....maybe people enjoy them and my opinions dont matter.....but you have to admit that gamespot doesnt really stick to its own rating system......When you review a game or any other form of media for Mass basically have a guideline on what that product has in terms of viability to said audience.....In case of a video game these are questions like Is the gameplay engaging..??...are there new systems introduced..?? the writing any good at it what fans and newcomers wanted etc etc......Each inclusion of these said checkboxes nets you a point, and each exclusion deducts.....Now this here is fine for Dark souls 3...but again can the same be said about those other games Gamespot rated 8 and above..?
GregoryBastards' comments