@1971pac1996: Is the PC version bug free..??....I have a decent Pc too and could get this there if it's running well on PC.....my main concern is the loading time and random crashes.
Seems im the only one who doesnt like this game....i dont really like fooling around in a sandbox so i guess that's a big factor....also my copy of the game keeps crashing, bugging out and has terrible loading times. on the ps4.
All the game has going for it is blow things up....which gets boring after a while.......all cities and bases are technically the same with the same turbines, gas tanks and explosive barrels.
The challenges which are used to earn gear which upgrades your tools are dull and boring....for example all races are checkpoint races with no opponents....all destruction mission have no enemies only destructible objects.
The actual gunplay itself is terrible and the guns are very similar to each other.
The only thing i liked about the game is the wingsuit system which is quite excellent.
I am never overly critical of a game but Just Cause 3 just didn't do it for me and i wanted to point out some of it's flaws.
why is this Travis guy being a dick...Saying things like people who use their first names as handles are lazy......reporters are supposed to keep their opinions to themselves and report....how about some professionalism.
I heard one song from them, when i was a kid....Dairy of Jane
Btw i think i get this guy's problem with the game.....i think a lot of Star Wars fans who are not fps players picked this because of star wars....and now theyr regretting it....this happened to me too....
I picked it up started playing and i was like shit this is Cod all over again.
It was still fun for the first two days because the servers were polulated with Star Wars fans who still play normally....now its all just fps twitch pro jerbags gamers who have clans and shit and camp underneath the fucking Milenium Falcon for the match and shoot you from there....now its just another Cod again...with lesser content no less.....
GregoryBastards' comments