What i dont understand is how apple ipads and all these other devises don't ask for the cvv code or the Visa Verified otp.....everything else does.....or they could add a simple 4 digit passcode for card transactions.....i mean arent there laws for this kinda thing....
unless theyr of course trying really hard to get money out of two year olds....
Hahaha...nice...but how come its only for females..??...i always have a tactical advantage against women when i unzip my shirt in real life...When will this sexism towards men in video games end really.
Well mostly people just play FIFA and COD.....not trying to look down on them or anything but that's the reality of it at least where i live....i live in a student hostel and everyone here has PS4's and Fifa and cod and maybe Destiny....that's it.....dont get me wrong they did buy Last of Us and everything....but i dont ever see them playing it.
we need less repetitive zombie shooters and more stylish rpgs and hack slash games.....both dragons dogma and dmc seem like safe bets for success....but capcom is dwelling on a sub par shooter which has long lost its charm.
@harlemstruggle: Thank you...your reply has nearly solved my dilemma....you had me at its nothing like PC/PS4/Xone....im quiet tired of all those now...and their dull repetitive shooters....i think im gonna go for the Wii U.
Also im at a point now where dont have time for playing the same game for 5 hours everyday....so 'the pick up and play' quality of wii u games you mentioned would suit me perfectly.
Jet skis might be unnecessary but sure are awesome to own...i hope the wii u is too.
Thanks again for the amazing answer....maybe ill see you soon online in Splatoon or something...??
GregoryBastards' comments