Good review.....the reviewer here praised the game for what it does best.....and didnt deduct points for missing out on things that the target audience doesnt want anyway and isnt promised in Bayonetta games ie Story.....Id like to see this guy review more cult hit games.
If the graphical difference is as much as Tomb Raider buying this.....otherwise not so sure....i remember this game being brilliant though
This dude needs to get of his high horse....i mean Destiny's one the most casual games in existence.....Saying that they shoulda added better loot in the start of the game for the 'Masses' just cracks me up......i mean the 'masses' are playing better games now because all of them had brains enough to understand that they could do something better with their time than kill Valus Ta`aurc for the 50th time and feel good about it.
im glad a warriors game wasnt trashed here today...these games deserve praise just for the amount of gameplay, characters and modes they provide if nothing else....not to mention they'r good for parties.... amazingly fun and playable with a crowd of drunk people
GregoryBastards' comments