@Gravelord_Nito Truly said these reviewers these days probably think of themselves as bastion of change in the gaming industry....kind of like how journalists felt in the 90s....they think that by giving awful reviews they're probably promoting art or some such nonsense in a game....
That said this review with the score of 7 is fine...I think 7 is good enough...but i think the 5 to lightning returns and kotaku's 'NO' to thief were really not so classy moves by reviewers...I mean these games take a lot of effort and care to build....least they can do is not trash them like major jerks.
Just wanted to say the gameplay video here looks a bit crappy cause its reviewed on the PS3...i have played both ps3 and pc versions and the pc version is noticeably better looking....this is the only other game(except metro last light) which i found the pc version to be graphically better that the ps3 one...also the pc version runs at ultra even on mediocre cards(like mine)....some pretty good graphic optimization here....from which modern day games should learn from.
@RC-Sev @Penguinlord1 @shingui5 @exiled_paladin @zoeyleft Yes and dont forget...games that got launched on consoles 2 years back. PC masturbation race.
No mention of the extensive customization of play ability on pc here,i see....i mean there's a custom difficulty setting if you wanna turn off focus powers or weapon damage to foes...etc....it's for those who want to rexperience traditional theif hardcore experience....the game may be crap but it's good points do deserve a mention at least....it is a good pc port if nothing else imo
GregoryBastards' comments