Grende1's forum posts
Bioshock is simply one of the, if not the, best games to come out in years. That's saying a lot with games such as Oblivion, Gears, etc. etc. having been released in that time. Everyone is entitled to their own personal tastes. If you like sports games over shooters, so be it. However, when a game gets released and receives the highest average review score of ANY game this gen (higher than Gears, Oblivion, and Zelda), then it at least deserves a rental, IMO. Personally, I bought it and the game is absolutely incredible. It's not only one of the longest and best SP shooters that I can remember, but there is so much you can do, that it's definately replayable. Am I saying Skate is going to suck? Not at all, but it's rare when a game as high in caliber as Bioshock gets released and it shouldn't be missed. Like I said, if shooters aren't your thing, at least rent it, merely for the sake of experiencing one of the rare masterpieces of gaming.
Wouldn't itbe like Ninja Gaiden 3?
No, you may be a bit confused by the Sony propaganda on NG Sigma. Sigma is the same game Xbox owners played years ago, only spruced up a bit. Ninja Gaiden 2 has not been developed yet. It has also always been said that NG 2 would, at the very least, be for 360 owners first. Whether or not a port is made for the PS3 later is still up in the air, though.
Yeah, well I just read a wonderful article on about why no one wants to buy a PS3. Very informative.
Disclaimer: Before you actually try to go to, realize that this post is sarcasm and that website does not actually exist.
The graphic quality coming from the 360 is the same on either kind of TV. For example, the amount of polygons, smooth animations, screen rate, draw distance, amount of things on screen at once, the quality of particle effects, bloom lighting, HDR lighting, the AI, advanced physics, etc. etc., are the same on both. The major differences are the resolution and quality of colors. The colors on a quality HDTV are much richer and 'pop out' at you a lot more. The black is also 'more black'. Also, the resolution is much higher on HDTVs, hence the name high definition. What this means is that the picture is more distinct and clear. You can make out the finer details better and text is easier to read. Textures also look more crisp, so for example, a brick wall with high level textures looks more like a brick wall on an HDTV set, since you can better make out the fine grain details of the brick. Once you go HD, you'll never go back, but it doesn't mean that the 360, or PS3 for that matter, looks 'bad' on an SDTV. You are just not getting all you can get out of your new system.
Well, one thing to consider is that the only other 360 games that have received reviews as high as Bioshock are Gears and Oblivion. You even have a demo to try, which I personally think is amazing. Concerning reviews, I always use sites like metacritic or gamerankings, because I think that an average of all the reviews is more meaningfull than one person's opinion. If you go to metacritic, you'll see that the majority of reviewers are giving Bioshock a perfect 10. Again, this hasn't happened since Gears and Oblivion, both of which, IMO, are definate purchases.
I think the reason people would be saying rental is because Bioshock has no MP. In many cases, they would be right. For example, without co-op and MP, the value of Gears for me would be immensely lower. Same goes for games like Lost Planet, Rainbow 6, GRAW, COD, etc. etc. However, there are those single player only gems that are definately worth a purchase. Oblivion is a perfect example. Great RPGs fall into this category, like Mass Effect. So do great sandbox games like GTA IV, or great horror games like Resident Evil. From what I've read and seen in the demo, Bioshock is easily the caliber of game that Oblivion, GTA, Resident Evil, and Mass Effect are. So, for me, purchase.
No offense to the OP, but come on. Internet polls, especially internet forum polls, are not even remotely close to reliable or accurate. Everyone knows the intitial hardware design of the 360 had problems. Do we really need another thread about it? MS even publicly admitted it for crying out loud. That's why there have been two hardware revisions addressing this problem. The 'zephyr', which is used in the Elites and the new Premiums with HDMI, both of which are in stores now. Also the 'falcon', which uses the 65nm chips and will be in stores shortly. This is also why MS now offers a 3 year warranty and retroactive reimbursement for anyone that has paid for repairs in the past. So really, is a thread on this necessary? Especially one with a poll that's going to offer nothing usable or accurate.
yea bioshock looks stupid to me....looks like a FPS mixed with stuff like WoW which i cant thats another title i wont be buying...but i jus got my halo 3 thingy yesterday
Did you play the Bioshock demo released on Sunday? Personally, I think it's amazing. To each his own, though.
I played 300 hours of Oblivion and I don't recall any crashes. It may have crashed, but it happend so few times, that I don't remember. I even used the duplication cheat extensively.
It crashes, before the patch anyway. Bethesda even publicly admitted it. They said is was a result of a programming bug when the game cached to the HDD. Another 2K game released around the same time, a 2K baseball game, also had the same bug. Although it was much worse in the baseball game, but was also a result from caching to the HDD (in this case, caching replays of the action). Both games were patched.
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