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Mikemoose is a pimp: part 2

There was a man named moose, or was it a moose named man? He became a pimp when a small rodent named larry attacked him and took his dignity. The only possession he had left was his 'bat' which he knew could only be used for pimping purposes. He has now retired from the pimping industry due to a phenomenon known as 'cleavage horror'.

Definition of cleavage horror: Saggy droopy....tishphael

Well you get the idea. Tish is a crazy man who gushes gatorade from endless numbers of bodily holes. Both Tish and Moose have Fc'd Dragonflight with their nipples. You like it.

Tish is Dream theatre's #1 fan, he enjoys their shoes. Also new from PEZ the new PEZ condom depenser!!! Smiley face on every pack :D. Available in all good book stores. Smiley face condoms are the way of the future... you know it...

I am level 56534245645 on Gamespot Mikemoose300000000

And do you know why he is? Cuz he is a pimp.... even though retired.... senile pimp!

Have you ever met the bear? The bear is a creature with a giant wang Tish found while looking through his 'collection'. You like the bear, and his face.

Q: How many dragonforce songs feature the words 'so far away'

A: About 20,000.

Grigrog: worlds greatest FAQ since 1769...teehee 69.

Bounce bounce bounce bounce.

I will die in october via being attacked by angry slayer fans from my trick or treat shananigans. I have a wart on my finger, his name is herbert, you like him.

I sincerely apologise to everyone reading this... It was partially a dare by Tish and Moose and partially me just thinking why the **** not.

Could Grig be back? Find out on the next episode of Mikemoose is a pimp.

I exist?

Yes, yes I'm still here, just.... about..... I think. WTF, who am I? Yeah I don't know what happened really, I kind of died in terms of gamespot - A long time ago now... well what's new? Too much too fit in one blog so i'll keep it short, in fact so short the blog will probably be quite poor.

Firstly I passed what i think is now 2 years at Gamespot last december, not too much to be proud of but oh how i yearn for my more frequent times again. I am now level thirty, gamespot veteran status I suppose - the level has been on the incline gradually since I have been visiting every so often.

My birthday was two days ago, was awesome, got some cool gifts... Also was aable to buy guitar hero but when i played it today it was all screwed up... already, the guitar isn't functioning properly already, i'll return it tomorrow to get a refund. Also even though brawl isn't out in europe yet, smash bros was again played at my birthday - Playing melee has become a ritual over the last five years of my birthday - it's getting kind of boring since I won the tournament we held.... again.

Hmm what else? personal stuff I really shouldn't and won't go into. lol.

Please comment..... hehe.... I doubt anyone will....

Urge to blog and play games.

I really felt I should blog since I haven't in quite some time. So what havI got to say?

First off I bought monkey ball for wii, its very good and it has a control method i've never used before but the problem with all monkey ball games is there always is one or two levels you CAN'T do. At all. You try and try until you turn off the console, try again, fail, turn off. I've managed to tackle most levels after a time and am nearly on world 6. I would've prefered if the wiimote was held end to end like a steering wheel ratehr than like a remote because I think it wouldve made the controls easier and less furstrating to handle. Will I review it... Its me so..... no. lol.

School starts tomorrow :cry: yes I know most of you already have started some time ago, but in england we go back in september we aren't so lucky though because we leave in july. GodI hope this year goes quick, should do.

Why I haven't blogged? Well there hasn't been much going on in my life as of recent. Well there never was but if I think 'What do I blog about' I can't think of anything... apperntly tonigh I can. hooray.

Monkey ball is my 7th wii game in the 4 1/2 months of having it, I'm gaining the games really fast especially since I haven't had a brithday yet or christmas to really get some games... I sound like such a kid.

You could say I'm famous for not reviewing but I may begin to review again sometime soon, perhaps re4 wii, it rocks. hehe.

As for my game 'heroes' I've been working on a boxart this week, basically so I can draw every character and get an actual visual copy of some of my thoughts. I wish I had an actual programming thing on my laptop, since I know almost excatly how I want the controls to work.

Wow. I actually wrote a fair size blog today... Woo.....

~Grig the pig~

I miss the days when I was popular.

:( A few months back, so many people used to visit my blogs, I knew all their usernames and avatars and could consider myself their 'friend'. Then my laziness kicked in, I did nothing on gamespot, I came back and it seemed to be going well with my many commented first few blogs, but my last one got ten. TEN!

I got ten comments when I was level ten. :( Maybe I don't post enough in the forums, maybe I should make new friends... My god that makes me sound so lonely. lol.

Anyway, in other news, I got big brain academy for wii, which is my sixth wii game. I'm gaining wii games faster than any other console I have before... or at least I think so. My girlfriend really ahs gotten into playing RE4wii, she's completed it and she's played like 5 games in her life... heh it was on easy.

As for what I'm doing right now... I'm still enjoying my summer break, still got three weeks over here. But we get let outta school much later so don't come crying to me, please. My summer break itself, I'm enjoying to the full, spending many days with my 'significant other' and having a rather good time.

Thanks for reading, the few.


A sudden weeklong break over, plus an insight.

The break

So so so so sorry I didn't tell you, I went on vacation last week and to be honest, the whole thing was quite rushed. It was booked till only a few weeks ago, last seats on the plane 'n' all. So sorry but i had planned to make a blog but in the end I had no time in the spaces when I thought I had free time. Well I am back now and will blog like i did before i went away.

I can guarentee some of you thought, oh he made a few blogs then went again, that Grig he's barely here anymore. WRONG. I am hear and hopefully there will be no more sudden disappearences.

The vacation itself was alright, went to austria (not australia) its a country in Europe, we climbed some mountains and swam in the pool, just a general holiday. Glad to be back

The Insight (scary music plays, teehee)

I've mentioned it before, the game, the game I've had wrapped up in my head for god knows how long, nothing written down, all kept in my ol' noodle. If you remember it was called heroes, then i changed it to saviours but i decided to change it back since i preferred the title heroes.

In that previous blog I mentioned TEN games of the series, ten mainstream games (spanning many consoles) I've been thinking and don't ask why but if it becomes a sucess it will be a FIFTY-ONE game franchise. Sounds crazy, it is because its fifty one frickin games! and it also isn't since this will be the franchise that carries my consoles, so production will be focused on this largely.

So why is it an insight? Because when I get a webcam I intend to video blog the production of this game. Wait what?! That's right, I intend to make it, with the help of some of my friends, I hope to plan and create an entire game an broadcast each step of the way here.

I hope to put some money buy for some nice 3D game creating-type software. Begin drawing down with paper and pencil characters and environments and ultimate transfer them to a 3D interactive basis. I have all the ideas up in my head, I know what I want to happen (only in the first few games of course), all I need now is to create.

Hopefully around mid-september this should begin. I won't give away too much of the game yet, but all the 51 games piece together like a jigsaw, you'll see when i realise number fifty one, when i'm almost retired, hehe.

Peace out, Grigs

My arse is on fire

That's right, my arse is on fire.

Yet another peculiar blog title from a very peculiar lobster. I used it primarily to be funny and also to emphasise my spelling of such a word... well my country's spelling of it. Arse instead of ass.

And hey, you all know in your hearts its better than 'what i did today' or the infamous 'LOOK AT MY BLOG PLEASH', so don't bash, just cos I think outside the box. To be honest I look at my most frequent frequent blogs and the only ones i will look at are my good friends. But occaionally i'll look at someone i barely know because theyve got a good title. This happens.... almost never.

To be honest most blog entry titles lack any form of wit and don't lure me in and hey, I'm lazy. As are most of us. Luckily i set up a few good relationships with members so i do visit their blogs, luckily they did lure me in, at some point. I'm not offending you guys cos everyone who posts here I love (not in that way dammit) and try to post in their blogs, not alwasy to sucess :?. I'm just saying a boring title won't bring me in... simplle

Mikemoose is a pimp

Seriously he is XD.

An odd title indeed, but when faced with a combination of boredom, talking to 'moose and tish on IM and generally having a wacky mind like me something like this pops up from time to time. And now to explain how and why mikemoose is a pimp. Please bear in mind none of this should or will make sense, it is purely for comedic affect.

moose is a fan of shooters. everyone knows it's RPG lovers that are the real pimps :P savoyprime
Even with the statment by savoy being true as well all know, moose pushes the boundaries here. He can still be a pimp as a shooter fan. Moose's favourite sport is baseball and thus he always uses his "bat" to his advantage, this means he is experienced with such an object.

As those who talk to us on IM know, his favourite saying is "duurrrttyyyyeah" (i'm not kidding, ask tish) and this... well wok it out for yourself................:( This concludes that pimpin' is not the best profession in the world but clearly an aspiration for some.

moose should really stop laughing at the word "***********" (its a secret )-tish-

I bleed smirnoffsavoyprime

I am a pimp mikemoose
PROOF, you see that, PROOF!!!!

I don't know what the hell I was thinking when i made this blog but hey, AIM conversation dares turn into reality. Fun fun.

I'll blog again, next time with more sanity.

Oh yeah i forgot to mention.... I'm engaged.

May seem a bit odd that i'm mentioning it here, but hey its my only online blog. Also the fact i'm still in my teen years may confuse some as to how i can get engaged and why I'm rushing into things so soon. Just so you know you can get engaged whenever, its no legal thing, we will get marreid (hopefully) in two or three years. :)

I'm not the sort of guy who usually does stuff without thinking, but this time I was REALLY sure, surer than i'd ever been, so I splased out got a ring and proposed. She said yes. The depressing thing is one of my best friends is so sure that me and my girlfirend won't get married, that he has wagered £50 ($100 roughly) on us splitting up. I gladly took him up on it and he will be sorry when i marry her.:D:D

Gaming news: my 360 broke while i was away from GS, why i haven't been on, should be coming back in "2-5 days" from repairs says my brother. Hopefully that's true. I got RE4wii, and am really enjoying it :).

Hope you didn't miss me too much while i was away ;)

Remember me?

If you remembr my old old old blogs and still want to track my blogs post here, i should begin blogging again, i'm sorry for the long silence i've not had time for GS... sorry again...

I went on vacation for a week, sorry i forgot to say.

Well it had always been planned for the family to go away monday to friday so i thought i'd be home both weekends.  But i wasn't.  My girlfriend invited me to stay at hers for both and I did.  The first weekend i was rushing to get there since I had arranged a time.  Then when i got back I was rather tired, so I just fell right to sleep.  Went early in the morning for the 5 day trip, no internet there :cry: lol.  Then when i got back I was again desperate to see my special girl.  Today is the first real time i've had to access gamespot.  Sorry if anyone thoguht I had left, i'm back now. 

 Peace, Grigs