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Grigrog Blog

Gaming addiction - Halo 3 beta.

Well let me first say I have a very addictive personality.  I'm addicted to many things, and as long as they don't seem to do me any harm i continue doing it, for example the relentless sweet tooth i've had since about the age of three.  Gaming is where my addiction goes from having more than I should to plain insanity. 

 So I went on crackdown yesterday to find no beta, well i'm not that fussed abotu games so I wasn't bothered.  Then I get home today around three (GMT)  and my brother has gotten it.  So since it is my game, he let me sign in alongside.  We played a few games, then I went to do my job, played a few more then he stopped playing.  

 Then it got annoying, me and msteryx were in a party and trying desperately to join games, we went through this stage where notihng would load.  I could tell this happened for everyone, the numbers of players went from 80,000 to a mere 1,000.  The amount of people made it impossible to get a game, so many quit.  Me, being the perseverant kind kept on.  

 We tried several times until it worked, we met a guy with the gamertag neocitron and the three of us played hours of games together, he then joined his friend to make a muhc larger party.  To quote the friend 'who are those guys', neo replied 'i.... dont honestly know, just random people' the way he said it was quite funny.  

 So eventually mx quit, and me, neo and another 6 eventually got a party of 8 (if you can't do math:P), that meant no searchign for players, instsant games.  We played a few then I had had enough, I was so tired from all that playing, I got off a half hour ago. I played for about 7 hours total. It's now nearly 1am. Night.


Blah Blah Blah

I suppose that sums up my mood right now.  Just... blah.  Even though I have severasl new games, I have no real motivation to play them.  Though that could be because i've already completed them, I should really spend more time playing to enjoy it more.  I am too much of a complete it as fast as you can guy. :P 

Also my girlfriend has gone on vacation for a whole week :(, it's definetly not the same without her.  And i get to talk to her for like five minutes each day, its sucks... but I know you guys don't want me going all soft on you. 

 *thinks manly* errr football!!

But you suck at football!

random cheeky commenter

 *fires gun* quiet you! At least the gun makes me a man


Or maybe you are complensating for something

another random user

 Shut up!

 Sorry about that everyone.  Now what else....hmm...  I suppose anotehr reason for feeling blah is because i simply am so friggin tired.  I was up till 2am working on this geography project, I really shouldn't leave things to the last minute :roll:.

 So i suppose that's it, anotehr dull blog :P. 

P.S: whered I get that gun anyways

P.P.S: PJ, I will have those answers soon, hectic schedule.

P.P.P.S: Tish, quote that "p.s" AIM convo and you are dead:P



Revenge on those that hurt us.

This is about a real thing that happened to me, and please read it all before judging.

 Do any of you have someone who really annoys you, and annoy to the part of hurting us deep down.  Well I do and in fact he doesn't annoy, he offends... everyone, quite literally.  So pretty much everyone dislikes him... and you are thinking poor him... don't.  We would like him if he was nice to people but he isn't.  So this guy actually picks on me as a target quite often.  

So one day, what must be the 100th time of him offending me and therefore hurting me, I had had enough.  I'm not the violent type, in fact i've never hit anyone my hardest and hardly ever hit anyone at all... until last friday... This guy somehow made me 'snap', all of us do at somepoint, we take it, take it and take it until boom, we go off.  This is what I did.

 I won't go into details about what he said (private and therefore things that woudl really tick me off), but long story short i got into a fight with him, I've never lost my self-control so much in my life.  Well that does over-dramatize it, since nothing REALLY bad happened at all.  Just a minor fight as it were.  Because you see i gave him what he deserved, and only that, i'm a fair person.  

So I'm thinking everyone is going to say 'grigs how could you, we thoguht you were cool!' well to you i say trust me he deserved it.  and to all those who say 'you should never hit anyone' I know but id asked him to stop several timesz and even shouted, nothing happened.

 He actually said to me once, ' I can bully you all i like cos you'll never hit back'.  Oh how wrong you were...

 Well i guess the moral of this story is, those who are 'bullied' will get the 'bullies' one day so don't do it.

 ~Griggy!!!~ (p.s violence isn't cool, revenge is necessary)

What Gamespot has become - The prison.

An odd title? Perhaps. But its meaning is just. Today I will be talking about what Gamespot needs to improve, mainly about moderators and how they moderate.

First off, don't get me wrong after you read this, Gamespot isn't a bad site, I'm just here to highlight some key areas that need looking over. So why did I use the term "prison"? Simply because some of the moderators (not all!) use their powers to cage in the fellow 'civilian' user, and even when someone does need suspending for a clear reason there isn't any rule against that, even though its clearly an annoying/hateful thing.

The only issue i would say moderators quite literally watch like hawks is swearing, which to be perfectly honest isn't that big of a deal, is it? I mean you do need to be 13 to join the site and what teenager doesn't say *insert swear word of choice here*, and what adult doesn't knwo fo them? I mean if the swear word is directed at someone obviously moderate but when ****ing is used as an adjective to emphasize, the user shouldn't be moderated to the extreme of banning.

Spam is indeed annoying and unnecessary, but is a one word answer spam in certain cases, agreeing by saying 'yes' gets your point across does it not? So why should you get moderated for saying you agree which helps sway the argument if more people are behind it. Admittedly you could give a reason, but if the reason you had has already been said, why repeat statments?

I know this seems like another typical mod basher, but i'm just adressing some facts, and how it can sometimes feel like you have to keep in the smallest of boundaries, or else you are punished. I have only mentioned a few points but I have mentioned the two i believe needed to be said the most.

I can see why we need lots and lost of moderators, since gamespot is a massive site, but maybe some cases need to be eased a little since this is a website for enjoyment. People do still come here, cos lets face it, its an awesome site I just hope the moderation doesn't get worse.


My Wii FINALLY arrived! Took its time...

What was meant to be a friggin christmas present took its time.  But there were literally no wiis in the country over here.  It was actually a pleasant surprise since i kept getting told it was getting delayed, first tehy said feb, then april then may then june.  Hang on it still is april.

I was there thinking it would be here in june, still waiting months for it, then i came home today to be told its here.  Yay!!!! lol.  Better late than never eh?

 If you have been playing attension to my now playing you will notice last monday I put LoZ: TP on it for gamecube.  That's cos my friend, being a generous person lent it to me aswell as giving me his old mini fridge, don't ask why.  So the wii arrives after i'm over 10 hours into the gamecube version, and of course my wii came with twillight princess aswell... So I have both versions... Good or bad? I don't know.

 I know it is months after release and the whole wii fad has died down, but i've got mine now, hooray, and i'm one of the sad people to have both zelda versions... >_>



What YouTube has become - part II.

As a continuation of my last blog (which you might want to read if you haven't to understand this) I have made a blog ranting about somethign linked to the dreaded chain-mail based comments. That is the comments telling people to stop commenting with chain mail. Seems like a noble thing to do, doesn't it? to tell them to shut up? oh how wrong that is...

Let me begin by saying I was on a video the other day and again I glanced at the comment, out of the 10 most recent visible, 7 of them were chainmail, with some being the same one and when i tried to skip through these the other three were saying shut up. That means ZERO useful comments... I felt like smashing my laptop in half... but that wouldn't be a good thing.

The worst part is, one of the 'more useful' commentors actually corrected the chainmails spelling... I thought how dumb can a person ****ing get! But then of course if I put 'stop commenting on stopping the commenting of chain mail.' I would be an even bigger moron and if it went on we would have rows of stop commentings and the whole site would have to be shut down.

I say that... at the moment the comments should be shut down... and if that needs to be permanent rightly so.

~Grig ranting some more...not that anyone cares~

What YouTube has become.

Most of those reading this will have been at youtube at some point, whether you visit daily to check out new videos or jsut simply cos your friend sent you the most hillarious vid ever, we have all been to the web's biggest collection of videos. And whenever something is shown, feedback is wanted, hence their comment system. But at the moment and in fact, for quite a while now, their comment based feedback has been their downfall.

You should know what I'm talking about, chain mail. What started out god-knows-when through email has polluted every type of contact on the internet. A little is annoying but now I can't go to a video without there being at least five 'OMFG don't read this! but if you do, don't stop, ZORX!' visible straight away. When will this end?

Do people actually bleived they will be killed if they don't post in another 5 videos or do most people actually find this funny and I'm an insane tell me.

Some people must agree with how annoying this has got, I didn't mind the odd moment, but when you have to sieve out the good useful comments I seriously feel like shooting the guy who started this. Youtube's comments are now practically worthless and it jsut sickens me to see some of the best media on the net ruined by this foul plague.

~Grigs' rant for today~

The birthday of Grigrog...

... is today :D:D:D:D:D March the thrity-first is the day I grow one year older and i celebrate that!  Today i am now fifteen, which sounds quite old to me, i still think i'm eight inside ;) lol.  What else is there to say, It's my brithday, woot, wish me a happy day.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: *is very happy*

Grigrog talks - Poker.

Poker is a game you either play or you have no idea how to.  I fit in the category of players, and in fact am quite an avid poker player.  Well due to my age I don't actually gamble online or in casinos, but I think people who do gamble on it are the smartest kinds of gamblers, since it is one of the types of gambling that requires least luck and most skill.;)


I play Texas hold 'em on the xbox live arcade with virtual money and it was probably the reason I wrote this blog since i won 700,000 virtual dollars this weekend, which is immense.  I had also been watching some late night poker games on TV, and some of those guys are complete jack***es.:evil:


My brother is the primary reason I like the game, we both play and have done for quite some years, shame you can't play poker with two people cause then we would be playing all the time.   Unfortunately most of my friends either suck at playing or can't play which is a crime quite frankly :P.  Cause I wanna scam as much moeny outta them as possible...i'm such a good friend.....


It's always said: 'write about soemthing you enjoy', so I did today, shame it won't interest most of you... 

