Well let me first say I have a very addictive personality. I'm addicted to many things, and as long as they don't seem to do me any harm i continue doing it, for example the relentless sweet tooth i've had since about the age of three. Gaming is where my addiction goes from having more than I should to plain insanity.
So I went on crackdown yesterday to find no beta, well i'm not that fussed abotu games so I wasn't bothered. Then I get home today around three (GMT) and my brother has gotten it. So since it is my game, he let me sign in alongside. We played a few games, then I went to do my job, played a few more then he stopped playing.
Then it got annoying, me and msteryx were in a party and trying desperately to join games, we went through this stage where notihng would load. I could tell this happened for everyone, the numbers of players went from 80,000 to a mere 1,000. The amount of people made it impossible to get a game, so many quit. Me, being the perseverant kind kept on.
We tried several times until it worked, we met a guy with the gamertag neocitron and the three of us played hours of games together, he then joined his friend to make a muhc larger party. To quote the friend 'who are those guys', neo replied 'i.... dont honestly know, just random people' the way he said it was quite funny.
So eventually mx quit, and me, neo and another 6 eventually got a party of 8 (if you can't do math:P), that meant no searchign for players, instsant games. We played a few then I had had enough, I was so tired from all that playing, I got off a half hour ago. I played for about 7 hours total. It's now nearly 1am. Night.
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