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Grigrog Blog

and my hair keeps growing!

hoyl hell, i have been wanting to grow my hair long but it just took a massive jump , it really feels like lo0ng hair now, not short, not sorta long, not kinda emo length, now its proper long, not as long as i want it (which is like down to the floor) but sitll past my shoulders!

thats right, im a guy with long hair!

3 promotions, 2 charters and a creation

Check out my unions!

i just got asked to charter again!
thats my fifth officer position, eventually i'll get a sig with them all in, but for now just check out my unions section to join.

As for the union i'm leader in, it's going very well, i introduced inner ranks cos its a small union and although we're stuck on like 40 members we have active duty and we show no sign of stopping (active duty), join today!

i cant believe i've been promopted 3 times cos i can understand the charter but i didnt expect all this in the first 5 months of GS!

I want to thank my family and my friends (on GS and real life).
lol, that last bit was for fun.:P

Things on GS are going well for me!

just hit6 level 15 - nobunaga's ambition which is where i think you are a really great member and now i cant wait till im lvl 20, the really slow level.  I got promoted to officer in nintendo central union today so im now a leader and 4 officers! and all those unions dont have mia or awol.  Also apparently im now a well known GS member, i had no idea! i guess i have a very unique avatar is why.

heat wave!

morning y'all, today here in england it just got very hot, admittedly not as hot as most places get but for us this is f***ing hot.  Which isnt too good when my walk home from school is a 40 minute walk, and i am lazy.  so this means summer has actually started, yay! but school doesnt end for 2 months :( anyway whats the weather like where you are? 

*insert chain of 50,000,000,000 swear words*

three things i'm pissed off about

1. My exams!  f***, they started today and are really boring! they arent particularly hard but i have to sit at the f***ing front! b*****ds!

2. I am as tired as i've ever been, ever!  i was struggling to stay all through today and i had coffee for like the first time since i was 8 or something!

3. this one is the big one, it relates to my last blog.  My friend asked that girl out and now they're together, oh f***ing joy!
I could kill him!

writing a blog because of mixed emotions.

long story short, i'm in love with this girl and have been for quite a while now. She knows but she doesn't wanna go out with me. She is a good friend aswell. This isn't really the bad thing though, well it was about a month ago but now i started to have a thought that she might be dating one of my good friends behind my back and another one of my friends just confirmed it. :(
I don't know what to do now, i feel like i've lost everything.

i mean when she said no to me i felt like i lost all my hopes and dreams and still do, but now im really angry and overly upset again!

Dont worry im not emo, strangely enough, im too optimistic.

the ' how well do you know me? ' quiz

one of my friends (edge-o-matic) put this on his blog so i made one for me, post your scores here, here's the link:

i dont know haow to make it into a link so just copy and paste.

1000 posts

WOW, and to think 3 days ago i had less than 800 i went on a posting spree and well got loads.

general updates

well i got to the final boss of mario and luigi partners in time and got bored and so turned off my DS forgetting there was no save block between the two final bosses, im an idiot.

Got round to finishing LoZ: four swords adventures on 4 player mode and when we fought vaati it glitched and we performed the thing you had to do but it didint work! grr.

The 'saturday, lose your popularity emblems glitch' is in effect again. so it lookslike i havent reached my 2nd row with emblems.

The futurama union where i am a frequent posting officer has now reached level 4.  I just posted about 50 times in the zelda alliance union, so ive passed 800 without knowing now!

well thats all i gotta say...for now

Someone who annoys the **** outta me

I bet everyone knows someone who absolutely annoys them to the point that they want to kill them, (mariomaniac we've heard about ur problems with that kid).  Well there's this kid who is one of my good friends' little brothers.  He is just so lame!

1. he has these huge buck teeth and when he first knew me he would just come up to me and get about an inch from my face and stay there, GRR!

2. he sounds like an absolute girl!  his voice isnt male at all, if he talks to a girl they sound identical, and the reason this is annoying is cos he shouts right in your ears in a high pitched squels, holy **** its annoying

3. he pulls my hair!  thats right he is a guy.....we think. he is a disgrace to my gender.

How do i get this...thing to get off my back, i'm like the only person he has annoyed who hits back, which is hillarious cos he nearly cries and all i do is tap him.  But seriously my friend said he stops after like a week but he has done it for months now.  if i ignore him he just pokes me in the stomach, what the **** do i do, i might have to hit him really hard soon!