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GuitarsOfWarr Blog

Ew, stupid computer

My computer runs UT3 very very choppy. It's a bummer but I think it's mostly because of my processor. Stupid thing is the only part of my computer that needs upgrading. I think I'm going to try and return this game soon. What a bummer.

Sweet, first christmas present!

I got 50 bucks to Best Buy from my grandparents today and I picked up Unreal Tournament 3 for my PC. I'm about to install it and go kick some arse online. Hope it's as fun as Team Fortress 2!

Fun comes in one color, and that is orange.

Go buy The orange Box right now. Seriously, I am having more fun with this game than I ever have with a PC game, HalfLife 2 may be the best game ever made (how did I ever pass it up?). Portal is a great (but too short) puzzle game. Team Fortress 2 is some INSANE online multiplayer, I kinda suck at it because I haven't even played as all the classes yet haha.

Jeez I love this game. Best 50 bucks I have ever spent on a game.

LEGO Star Wars: TCS Review

Alright I know it's been a while since my last review but that's because Blue Dragon was horrible and I didn't want to waste my time reviewing it (I didn't even finish it) Now for the review.

What a fantastic game. I had never bought into the hype of the series before, thinking "that's a dumb idea" but wow, what a truly fun game. While the attack system isn't as in depth as most gamers would like it to be, it still it one of the most entertaining experiences on the 360 yet. There's lots of little extras (red bricks, minikits, challenges, etc) in each level that will definitely keep you coming back for more. Achievements definitely added tons of replay value to this game by encouraging you to get those secret items. Another positive is the number of characters in the cast. We've all seen star wars and we all have our favorrite characters. They're all in there...with Jar Jar. Co-op play is a blast whether it is with a friend on Live or or on the same screen and dueling in the arcade is endlessly amusing. All in all, an amazing game.

The only negative I could find in this game was it was too easy and for that I took off 3 points.

Final Score: 97/100

Ace Combat Review

Alright, so I'm going to start posting reviews of all of my Gamefly games the day I return them in my blog. Here's number one

I thought this game was a horrible game when I first started playing it but boy, was I wrong. I can almost guarantee your frist impressions of the lame first few missions will be the same, but once it adds in ground trrops and you can start purchasing new planes and weapons, the game really picks up. The endgame of the campaign is a whole lot of fun, and the last chapter was just epic. It's also nice to see a game that can actually have two intertwined stories (cutscenes, missions) that work so well. At the end, they mix perfectly to create a climax that you will play over and over.

Sorry for what I said about you before, Ace Combat 6! Definitely worth at least a rent (I still stand behind not really enjoying the multiplayer)

For my score, I took off 7 points for the multiplayer, which isn't as fun as a normal shooter and 6 points because the campaign was quite short (6-8 hours on normal)The remaining 4 were taken off because while the different planes have different weapons, there wasn't much effort put in to make them feel unique.

Final Score: 83/100

A rant on my recent games

Alright let me start out by saying that Guitar Hero 3 is amazing. The only downside is the difficulty, its just too hard once you get to sets 6-8. The last guitar battle on hard was harder than most of Expert in GH2 was. Ugh, im never going to beat this game on expert, but I'll sure as hell have a good time jammin with myfriends online to Dragonforce for months to come!

Oh and Ace Combat 6, can you say OVERRATED? Jeez, the controls couldn't be any more frustrating to learn and eneven once you do, the campaign really isn't that fun. Online is decent but once again, I just don't find the gameplay all that appealing.

Halo 3 is the mecca of 360 gaming, we all know it.But a month later its just not as fun as it used to be when you're not playing with friends. I mean co-op and playing some big team battle with 7 friends is incomparably amazing but really, lone wolves is not that fun and its where ALL the achievements are at online.

Blue Dragon is probably the best JRPG I've played since Pokemon gold, and thats saying something because Pokemon Diamond was pretty good. The class system is fun, the artwork beautiful and the story is pretty good for its corniness.

skate. oh boy, skate. Let down of the year. I have nothing but hate for this game. The controls were fun...until you got them down and then the campaign mode just dragged you along having you do repetetive trial and error missions over and over get the point.

Kameo was such a shocker to me when I found it on sale at my WalMart for 10 bucks I figured, hey why not. So I popped it in and I found the contorl scheme really fun...until it got to the point where having three forms to switch between wasnt enough and you had to contantly go to the pause menu and change that. All in all, good game, mediocre controls.

There's my rant, hope you enjoyed it.


Lost Planet was a S***fest

I couldn't even get past the part with the giant worm. I disliked that game so much that I was sick of it 3 levels in. I think that that is the shortest amount of time I have EVER spent playing a game.

After an hour of playing it, it was back in the mail and returned to gamefly the next day.

Seriously people, this game is not worth it. DO NOT EVEN RENT IT!

My solution to the game overload

I joined Gamefly!!!! I really hope its worth it! I mean, with all the new games, I'm sure there will be a lot of competition for whos getting what. So far so good, The Darkness and Overlord should be arriving in tomorrow's post so that gives me a day to beat them before Bioshock hahaha.

But seriously, if anybody wants to sign up send me a message and I'll send you my referral code cuz if I refer 5 people I get a year free!

The dry spell is over.

I haven't purchased a game since may (Command and Conquer 3) and now all of a sudden I have like 15 games in the next 3 months I want. I definitely need to work some more weekends for some extra money lol. Bioshock, Halo 3, Blacksite, Mario Galaxy, SSBB, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, GTA4, Tony Hawk,Blacksite,Guitar Hero 3,AHH there's too many to name!

Plus, I'm sure as reviews come out I'll want Jericho, Huxley, skate., Rock Band and more! So far I only have enough money for 4 games...anyone wanna donate some? =] jk.

I cannot wait another week!

Why can't Bioshock come out faster? I've played the demo, it was amazing and I want it NOW. I'm gonna go insane from now til the 21st. Ahh. Maybe I'll just freeze myself like Cartman did waiting for the Wii on Sout Park...yeah...freeze myself...hehe
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