Gunarm Blog
I have a motavaion to join the Army or the Green Berets.
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Ive awalys wanted to fill some kind of military role for a long time. And the Army is the thing I would like to join, I dont know why but for some reason I like the danger or something about it. But it will be about 6 years before I will join so I have plenty of time to really think about it to know the risks and dangers and an effect it will have on a relationship with a wife or girlfriend.
Watched War of the worlds a cuple days ago and other interesting things.
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That movie was pritty good it was fast paced and kept things awalys interesting. I ordered a tactial vest, stun gun and some lock picks off of this magazine that comes in the mail its all cool. I also watced Batman Begins which is also a good movie. Ive also been running and stuff up hills to get in shape for cross country which is comming up pritty soon.
Watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith yesterday.
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It rained today.
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Man I didnt feel like running today but I did. I tell her to wake me up at 8 now well she woke me up at 8:30 which was fine but with a phone call which annoys me for some reason (she was at work). Well today was allright, decided to play FF7 over again and beat it, as well as Killzone, Syphon Filter Omega, Metroid Prime 2 and thats it. I was gonna try and play Super Mario RPG legend of the 7 stars but it keeps eraseing whatever I save so I cant play it anymore which sucks.
Stayed at my aunts.
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Went to my aunts for a Day and had a pritty good time, my aunt is the coolest person in the world has all kinds of crazy stories. Of course my two unkles were their also so it wasnt boring. Just got back home too, and its raining and thunder and lighting so cant go out side.
Hm gonna have to stop putting dates...well ran some today.
by Gunarm on Comments
Today was a day of decision, I have decided im gonna really work hard to get in shape for next year, im gonna burn the road up. I will become one of the best runners at my school if it kills me, I am going to make lots of high place ranks at running and hopefully go to state. But it's unlikly that I will get past state at this point but I will try.
May 28, 2005
by Gunarm on Comments
School is finnaly out. I got sick on thursday morning ariving back from a track meet (1:00 in the morning) , it was pritty cold on the bus and I forgot a jacket and got a cold. 3 people went to state for our team at least. Our relay team was .10 seconds from winning a medal and well next year we will make it. Well we was running aganst seniors and we were 3 sophmores and a Freshman running so.
May 22, 2005
by Gunarm on Comments
WOW!!! Thats all I can say for E3, the PS3 is looking awefuly good. That will probbly be the first next gen concol I will get unless Reveloution starts showing some games. But I will probbly get Rev anyway just I will get Ps3 first. Killzone 2, might turn out to be a good game, Sure does look nice. Splinter cell4 and mgs4 hasnt really announced anything yet but they should be good games too. School ends in five days so thats good, I cant watch Star Wars eposide 3 in theators because people are waiting in line up to hours at a time just to watch it. One dude and his 7 friends sat for 10 hours waiting to watch it. I like star wars but im not that devoited.
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