Dragon Quest VIII,SMT:Nocturne & Digital devil saga(both parts).
If i really had to chose,than it would be DQ.But damn...looking back now at these RPGs,those random battles are ridiculous.Wish they were like in Final Fantasy 12,Chrono Trigger/Cross=Not cheap & awesome!
I remember that i was disapointed in this game...so different from first Jak & Daxter...hated those timed missions...but i said to myself:WTH! i wont be beaten by a video game! so i completed it & consider it the best platformer i played...shame Naughty dog wont please it wans with a propher Jak game on PS3...i enyojed much more playing Jak 2 then that popcorn Uncharted 2.In the end,i understand naughty dog...Uncharted can make more money then a cartooney game,they are affraid of weak sales like many other developers.
What to expect? a lot of foken campers thats what! if they make some anti campers stuff maybe i will get this game...no way im getting this if my contoled driven digital soldier doesnt turn in a tank,only way to get a camper!
To me it is one of the best this generation,but i like ME1 more.
Shure ME2 has better graphics,gameplay,techicaly superior game,but to me,it cant come close to the feel of ME 1...which feels like some kind of real space adventure,story is much better too.ME2 feels a little standardish to mey opinion.
I dont read forums often,but i saw topics like this many times.Anyway,i find strange that Konami is ignoring trophy patch for this game,they KNOW people want it & they`re doing nothing about it.One of most important PS3 games i hear?If it is that expensive maybe sony should offer financial help,like 50:50.
I could care less for trophies n achievements,but i understand players who want more things from their games if possible.
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