I have to admit I have almost zero interest in the business aspect of this whole insanity. Except that regular people figured out how to work the system to their advantage for once, and fairly, and the hedge funders and short sellers are crying that it's unfair.
I mean, how's this going to hurt them in the long run anyway? They only make a few million instead of multiple upon multiple millions?
From a gamer standpoint, I'd love to see GameStop survive just because I like video games and just about everything to do with them. And I don't like to see hard working people lose their jobs so some idiot millionaire can make more millions. But it still doesn't look good.
This feels too much like a superstar (Cena) push that wasn't necessarily asked for. I mean, I guess there are lots of people that will be excited to see Robbie in tight clothes again and DC has to at least put up an effort against Marvel. But has there been a huge clamoring for another Suicide Squad?
How long before it's renamed to Suicide Squad 2: Starring Harley Quinn.
This is the correct answer. Though I'm a bit surprised that it wasn't Cancel Cultured (Kancel Kultured?) because it would cause people to question the history of spelling.
@nickpeck36: Do you go to my GameStops? This all sounds about spot on with my experience at GameStop over the years. Guess the only thing I see different is that their "old" games are stupidly overpriced.
I consider myself something of a game collector and love to look through the previous gen games. But they'll have something that I can find on eBay or the other local pre-owned place for like $10 and the GameStop price is $30 or more. With a no label case. Whatever, I'm sure that's not where they make their money.
For years I've seen GameStop turning into what I consider a toy store. It seems like they push all the game goodies (t-shirts, figures, collectables) much more than the games themselves. Again, if that's where the money is, go for it.
Will they survive the digital only revolution? We will see.
Non related: kstaggs87, your avatar is awesome. My love for you is like a truck...
Same faramir. I remember playing this with my sister and my mom. Always drove me crazy that mom would set the clock ahead when we were at school to get stuff done faster. Killed off my turnips and grew weeds everywhere!
She got the golden trophy too :(
These days it's my 20 year old niece that's loves playing it on mobile. Man, I'm old.
Gus91's comments