Not going to lie and it's cheesy to use a video game for a reference, but you're starting to come close to being on par with the Vox Populi of Bioshock: Infinite.
Oh my god. Give it a fucking break already. Getting real tired of reading articles that say we need diversity, it is understood.
Srsly. People aren't that stupid, they like having things that are different. They like being able to craft their own characters that are special to them and thus diverse across the board. They even like getting characters that are interesting to play as. The article is well written and I respect Petit. However, I take issue with one thing.
"We all want to see heroes who look like us, Abernathy asserted, and his daughter, who is also multi-ethnic, has as much right to such heroes as she grows up as he did when he was growing up."
Wut. No one is being denied heroes here and being multi-ethnic doesn't make a difference. Shit is getting old.
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