Theme of the blog.
Lame title I know but whateva..
1- some old folks here returned thanks to the new TOS yaaay.
jg4xchamp, moldonhold and other dead heroes are coming back to life and that will make this site less boring.
Welcome back b****s.
2- TV shows you must watch.
There is a huge library of excellent TV shows you need to watch before you die, movie buff or not, you should see them ALL.
Lost is one of the best pieces of entertainment ever, be it movies, games, music or whatever.
It's about a bunch of people their plane crashed in a mysterious tropical island.What makes this show stand out from the rest is the setting, the drama and the characters and the extraordinary situations and the decisions they are put against.
The TV series is already over but it is one fantastic journey from start to finish, it consists of 6 seasons.
Sons of Anarchy. ( 4 seasons and running )
OMG what an incredible show, it's about a group of Motorcycle club who are in fact a biker gang, it sounds corny and boring but believe me I thought the same at first but the sons will blow your socks off from the first episode, if you loved the Godfather movies you will like this tv series.
The show keeps you guessing what will happen next and it will constantly shock you with events, it's about relationships, loyalty and trust.
Oh and did I say the badass mofo Ron Perlman in it?
The Walking Dead ( 2 seasons and counting )
it's about the zombie apocalypse and it delivers, you might think "oh not again" trust me, it's amazingly directed and it's all about anything can happen any moment, plus it has drama, I love drama in a survival setting, it changes the pace, makes you connect with the characters and makes a meaning for the piece of entertainment you are watching.
Breaking Bad. ( 4 seasons waiting for season 5 )
Oh man, from the title of show, have you ever thought of being an outlaw and said to hell with it? this tv series is the most intense ever.
It can be hilarious in one scene then overly intense in another scene and it is another show where anything could happen, it doesn't rely for the final episode of each season to make the most powerful episode, that revelation or intense shoot-out could be in the middle of the season and that's what makes Breaking Bad unpredictable and fantastic.
Dexter. ( season 6 and still running )
Amazing, flawlessly amazing. ( except for season 6 )
Meet Dexter Morgan, a bloodstain pattern analyst who works for the Miami Metro police department and at the same time he is a serial killer , the show is mind blowing, Im not going to reveal much more, just go and watch, it is smart, it is dark, it has a weird sense of humor and Dexter is just an awesome character.
Hell On Wheels.
Do you like westerns? do you like Red Dead Redemption?
This is an epic new tv series about a Soldier called Cullen Bohannan whose quest to seek vengence led him to railroad construction area, it's just a badass dark western in the same type of movies like Unforgiven.
The big bang theory. ( 5th season and still running )
The is the most hilarious sitcom if you want something that is similar in fashion of friends but for geeks.The big bang theory is about scientists who are basically nerds who lives next to hot blond gurl, it's about our tech-savvy-know-it-all-big-ego-nerds culture we live in, it's about this generation of people and that's what makes it so freaking cool.
big recommendation to watch this sitcom, in a matter of fact I brought this whole must watch tv show idea after thinking about the last episodes I've watched recently ( I just started watching season 3 ) and I thought why not more people watch this awesome show?
reminder, these are all spectacular, even if you think i didn't explain one of them very well, trust me you won't regret watching any of them series.
see ya bye.
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