i think Uranus is awesome even if with a weird name lol. Plz value more the look and other things than just the possibility for life and no sci fi planets just real ones. Also you can vote for stars/suns and moons with the fifth option.
Like it's been said there are mods which upgrade the visuals, and not just textures but lighting and other stuff.
From this
to this
And that is just one of the mods. There are other visual enhancements.
I will install my game later and post screenshots with it modded.
I'm pretty sure that's how it looked on the PS2.
on gamecube there were only better watter effects that you see only 5% during the game, also you can put your gamecube disc into your pc and try an emulator both ways require pc.
Re4 was no doubt last gen's best single player shooter. I think the story and gameplay can be called the Uncharted 2 of last gen. So that's why Crapcom must give us a HD remake of their game that Inspired Gears of War's over the shoulder angle of view. If they remade part one then why not remake part 4, the best part
get the pc version it has 16:10 resolution like 1680x1050
Wait until the next generation. Current consoles can't handle high resolutions without using 30FPS.tagyhag
thats not a valid argument. Next generations involves always more technologies and performance for better graphics. People might have recourses enough to make graphics from this generations + 60 frames but they just gonna put the recourses into better graphics.
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