@Fryboy101 guess i missed that. don't get me wrong i like collecting stuff but when it comes to collecting it to get a better sense of the story/character im not gonna read it. yeah true connor lacked in every way especially when they were pretty much advertising how conner was native american/british that didn't even play a role. like i said before since ac4 is in most of african places im really hoping race plays a role.
to get me back for another assassin's creed the character development has to be top notch just like 2 was. if it's like 2 then count me in but if it's like 3 bye bye. im really hoping they bring some racial stuff just like liberations that's what made me play liberation with it's maturity and that it was a topic no one ever uses in a game.
cevat needs to get off his high horse already. the last great pc shooter i played was bf2142 as for consoles was rsv and rsv2.
"That's because there's a certain fatigue level with the old generation currently. The markets are down[…]people's expectations are much more radical than the current generation of games are doing." is he talking about tech...? that's bullshit i put up any indie game against this and it'll be better than this.
they need to stop milking this game im tired of assassin's creed. when will these guys announce a new ip (other than watch dogs) at least show something about rainbow six patriots.
@rannoni @Romangelo by the gods finally a guy who actually knows what he's/she's talking about thank you rannoni.
i'm guessing well hopefully anyway to expand the ps+ base is to have gaikai free for plus users obvious decision by sony to make more money. now if only all of america has bandwitch up 50 to 100mbps that would be great. lets hope by 2015 fiber wire will be installed everywhere in america.
@Killer6b9 i was referring to the cost at when it launched. i don't know how much the controllers are now but they were/are 54.99 so coming down to at LEAST 30 is okay.
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