COD4 Campaign = FPS for Dummies. COD2's campaign was significantly better. Wide open battlefields that allowed you to use tactics to decide how to deal with the enemy. COD4's campaign design was "Push the left stick forward and hold down the trigger until the credits roll", and that has been the same philosophy ever since.
@sladakrobot AC1 was junk. AC2 and Brotherhood were great. AC:R and AC3 were junk. Black Flag was simply AMAZING and the best AC game ever. I would honestly love to see them just split out Black Flag and make it its own thing. Also, you don't need to have played any other AC before Black Flag, as all the previous story is ended in AC3.
Am I the only one that thinks Rogue sounds way more interesting than Unity? I was really looking forward to a true next-gen AC, but that French Revolution crap sounds boring as hell. Honestly I would have loved Black Flag 2.
A classic from the Golden Age of First Person Shooters. Other great FPS's from 1997: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Hexen II, Quake II. I would love to see HD remakes of any of these games, or even new Indy titles inspired by them.
Too little too late. There is no reason that this should not have shipped with the game. In three weeks we'll be playing (the beta of) a game that will most likely be far and away the best cooperative shooter experience to date. No reason to bother downloading this.
I don't mind the non-regenerating health, but I'm only two hours into the game and the endless button smashing just to pick up health/ammo/armor is getting really old. Why not just pick them up automatically when you walk over them?
@stoods YES!! Its like every game nowadays has to be either a $100,000,000 game OR a $10,000 game. Either super high end graphics OR retro 16 bit graphics. There is a middle ground here that I think could be very successful. I look back at games I was playing 10 years ago, and I would be perfectly fine with some mid-priced games with that level of visuals if they had interesting gameplay.
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