Yes they will repeat, this is how I see it.
First off Bus while the spiritual leader of the team (which can be replaced) was far from the greatest RB on the field. Staley sat out almost all last season and will be fresh and ready to fill buses place and he'll be fine assuming he avoids injury.
El is a great WR no doubt ,but the steelers have some great up and coming recievers lower in the strings that will most definitly be very competent recievers.
Ben is getting more and more use to his team and the more he feels at ease the more you will see him own the living sh$t out of the other teams passing D's
The SEAHAWKS??? LMFAO guys the steelers couldnt have played any worse then they did in the Superbowl, the way they played in the Superbowl every single AFC team that made it to the playoffs last year +chiefs/chargers would have kicked the steelers asses if they had played any of those teams like they did.
The NFC is still all hype imo, they got some good up and coming teams, but not one that can legitamitly tangle with the afcs top dogs.
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