Well, I hope she gets sued by the people who first funded her project, b/c she never finished the project. She is a scam artist. They have every right to have a class action lawsuit against her. They have already been prosecuting people that don't finish their kickstarters & those people lost in court. There is a lawyer that is looking for cases like hers. I really hope that people stand up against this, b/c she is now fairly well known. This only fuels others into thinking that this is ok behavior & she then will feel that she can do this again to others. It does not matter what she is peddling, its the fact that she did not do what was promised to her backers & screwed them out of what they pledged for.
Salt & Sanctuary, Hand Of Fate, Star Crawlers, Darkest Dungeon, Endless Legend, Neverending Nightmares, Titan Souls were my favorites from the Mega Indie Booth
does it help if i state that it looks like a lot of other games that are already on the market? lol!
that is exactly what i mean. certain aspects of the game look like they have been taken from other games & made into this one game. that is not always a bad thing, but i have yet to see anything that really stands out to me. ive seen a few videos. im hoping to see more. we have a difference of opinion. it happens. you seem very pushy to want to change my opinion. im hoping to change it as well, once i see more gameplay, but right now, this is how i feel about it. i dont see what is wrong with me feeling differently than you. it happens.
but ill be honest, i am hoping that my opinion does change. i do like Sci-Fi games & i enjoyed Halo a lot as well as other Sci-Fi games that i have played in the past. i am hoping that they do well with this franchise. i have no ill will in my opinion.
from what ive seen, yes, it looks generic. as i stated before. that is my opinion. im hoping to be wowed. cause id really like to be. i like Bungie. i have nothing against them
agreed, it looks very generic & i really havent seen any video for it that wows me yet. the art style looks like lots of other games & gameplay doesnt look very different from other games as well. the pictures that they showed at E3 looked way more interesting than the gameplay. it seems quite linear & lacking of a solid interesting storyline. but that is just my opinion, with what ive seen so far. i was really looking forward to this game but i have yet to be interested in it yet.
companies dont buyout another company to invest in it. they do it to control it. they mention many times that they are interested in the "social aspect" of what OR can do for them.
HailHellfire's comments