well if they put as much effort into this game as they have with Borderlands, then i would want a game that doesnt suck. they have yet to release a game that doesnt suck that isnt Borderlands.
@jwp12231 PS4 & PC/MAC. they have yet to do Xbox One b/c Bethesda wants MS customers to be able to play it without having to have an Xbox Live Subscription, so until MS changes that, then it will be released on that platform
this looks pretty epic! i like the art work that they used in this game, it will look excellent on my 3-D TV. I agree with everything DamnLoveGames said about it. the combat looks great & i dig a game that is a bit goofy. you dont see much of these b-movie type of games. i dig them. day one purchase for me.
also it was a smart idea that they used another character to play off of that doesnt take away from the other games & their storylines. it gives the Ninja Gaiden series a whole new life.
i wouldnt have minded seeing Aisha Tyler or Tim Schafer, in Joel McHales seat. i cant stand Joel McHale. that guy is fucking annoying to even listen to.
My favorite Store feature for PS Store, would have to be the PS Plus Section. They generally give a wide variety of games & genres for a decent discount off, for PS Plus Subscribers. Each month you get a good sum of games for free that I'd generally look over & probably never buy. But with this feature, I am able to then check out more games that i might have over looked & not considered. I have found alot of indie gems this way. Whats also pretty cool is that often times those free games come packed with the Vita version as well. So if you have both console & Vita, you can then utilize playing that game also on the go. Vita has some nice titles that I'd love to play using this feature. PS Plus store also offers Beta invites to games that you may have been anticipating for in the past few years. I remember when Killzone 3 had its beta invite, it went on for quite a few months, but i played it for the entire Beta & then months after the Beta was over, I was given a free shirt in the mail from Sony for participating so heavily in the Beta. That type of gratitude, heavily impressed me.
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