this is the first time that im hearing about this outcry/reaction towards it....thats too bad that he changed it for those select few, i think it still would have sold well without changing it
one of my favorite so pumped that i had to reply to my own comment...this better be a good game....
is that who i think it is????Rhona Mitra???if so, f-king awesome to see her in a video game again!!!!
@enartloc i had not heard about them till now..thank you for posting this....i am just now making an account with them & checking more of their stuff out!
they should have let the guys play this game....i would have rather of seen them freak out then a bunch of girls screaming....unless they didnt want to play the game b/c they have issues with screaming like a girl
more Dragons Dogma in the future, would be awesome & an Onimusha HD & new title to the series would also be great
LOL!!!!!!go back to writing music for Quake or telling the makers of Quake to make the game darker, like it use to be
HailHellfire's comments