personally, i would want to be able to play some of the old N64 games i used to play. like Megaman 64.
Halcyon670's forum posts
my pokemon dream has always been very similar. except in mine, its an MMORPG. the other trainers are other players, and you can explore any of the regions featured in the games.
well, now im inspired.
what genre is the Wii exceptionally good for? and yet very little has been done with it? First Person Shooters!
My idea has been inspired by both L4D and the wiiware title Onslaught (never played onslaught, just read about it)
Title Pending
Concept: a cooperative game in which multiple survivors (probably soldiers) work together to fight alien hordes. and not like the bugs in onslaught. like the things in Alien. Teamwork is crucial in this game, which cannot be beaten by one person alone.
Online: Duh.
Number of Players: 4-10
Also, we need mics for this kind of thing. and dont be afraid to make the action brutal. that makes for a more intense gaming experience.
this idea isnt perfect. i just made it up in the last 2 minutes. i think it could work though.
half-life 2. after that, i started devoting a lot of my gaming to valve games and HL mods. never regretted it.
the clear winners in every category are the half-life games. 1st one was the best.
other shooters worth mentioning:
-Deus Ex
-Far Cry
when it comes to shooters, i prefer older games. back in the beggining of the decade, or end of the last one, developers seemed to put more effort into making their games original. also, they didnt focus on realism like they do nowadays. hyperrealism in shooters sucks, in my opinion.
No, ur gurl duz not dai @ teh end.
She means that since you're a human, you're going to age and die, while she is a computer, will live on forever.
yeah. i think thats pretty obvious. im surprised no one else pointed that out. i dont see any real reason to assume that chell dies.
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