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CryEngine 2 VS. real life images (harder then you might think)

usually, it's pretty easy to the the difference between real life image VS. in-game image... well, Crytek decided this "law" would apply on the company's newest game: Crysis.

just look at those pictures, can you tell the difference? on a little side note: those images are 6 months old (so the CryEngine (2) is probably better by now) and most of the settings from the in-game images are at low (maybe except for lighting).

halfway through...

today (March 6th, 2007) I've reached the 50 percent of level 20, which I reached at Feb. 2th (i wrote a blog about it, so it recorded). which means that it took me little over a month to get to 50 percent... which means that I'll reach level 21 around April 10th (Feb. 2th, March 6th, so by logic the next date is April 10th). beware those who reach level 20! only long days and empty anticipation awaits you! (i think that level 20 is a "screening level" which means that it intensionally long, to "help" those who don't sure if GameSpot is a site with a fast going levels... but that's just my opinion).

GTA IV trailer!, new SupCom trailers (although the game is already out) and more

so Grand Theft Auto IV's trailer will be out at March 29th (27 days away from now), want to know exactly when the trailer will be out? check this link.

2 new trailers and a feature video for Supreme Commander, and even though the game is already out, the trailers made me wanting to buy the game even more (still hasn't got it...).

BioShock is delayed to August 21th (USA, Aug. 24th for EU), new trailer for ShadowRun (finally), and it's great.

Sam & Max's demo released today... check it here.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is finally gold! Duke's delayed companions are decreasing... Half Life 2 is already out and it has a sequel! S.T.A.L.K.E.R. recently got his golden face, anyone left? guess not...

also, a new hand-on of C&C 3 is out. the game itself soon will be out.

downloaded C&C 3's demo!

i finally got the demo, played it, loved it, will buy the game (Kane Edition... for the extra maps), March 26th, 2007 USA (so that date (a rhyme) is useless to me) and March 30th, 2007 to Europe (that date is useful to me), so from April 1st (April Fool's Day, HA! gotcha! LOL)... yeah, so from April 2nd I'll be able to buy the game (do you want to buy something at April Fool's Day? i don't).

downloading C&C 3's demo, a slight change in GS's profiles and (GF's) forums

so i'm downloading the demo of C&C 3 (4 hours to go, 5% downloaded) right now! so that's cool, 4 hrs. away from playing as GDI...

also, i don't know if you've noticed but the users' pictures (the little squares, mine is a round yellow circle with an outer red rim and with a "G" in the middle, or, in another words, GameSpot's sign.....) has "grown" a bit, well, a lot.... and also in both GameSpot's and GameFAQ's forums (which are the same, BTW. both forums are the same forums.......), in the bottom page there's a link to go to the forums, like in the top of the page. (example: in a game's forum (let's say/write Supreme Commander's), you enter a topic right (like say/write it's named: "max res. game AWESOME!!!!" OK?), so on the top of the topic there will be something like that: "Forums - Supreme Commander - max res. game AWESOME!!!!", right? so, from yesterday, the same lines are at the bottom of the forums as well....) a nice little touch, in my opinion....

download C&C 3's demo.....

I'll be able to download C&C 3's demo in a few hours, at March 1st (Europe's midnight is before USA's midnight, and i live near Europe, but not in Europe..... anyway), so C&C 3's demo is a few hours away and if it will download at a similar rate like it did with Supreme Commander's demo then i should get C&C 3's demo within 5-7 hours! (considering my connection speed (750 MB/s), that's fast...).