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HandstaKingame Blog

Gamespot VS Myspace stand up for gamespot! smash myspace down!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketvs Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketso guys this is how this story came friends were on myspace when i went over to their house and one of them brought the topic up that gamespot was like the video game version of myspace i said i thought the same thing other friend quickly said...dude myspace beats gamespot! thats when we all had war over it i kept saying that if gamespot was the video game version of myspace it would be cooler that way..but we just left it at 2 of us think myspace is better and 2 gamespot so we tied it up and went around the neighborhood asking lots of anwsers we got from friends and kids lol that we did not even know but what do you think? our results were nothing since some people were cheating by adding extra votes so i decided to ask here.

Ps3 and Xbox360

Ok guys i am just tired of people saying the xbox360 beats the PS3! i just dont agree with it! i dont know what they think because the ps3 cost more you want to see? check this out... PlayStation 3 60 GB$599.82 lets go over to the xbox360...Xbox 360 Premium System$399.92 and thats how low they are selling xbox360 at their best price so now you see that Ps3 cost more and has better graphics trust me i have seen! played on both PS3 is better...what cost more should have a reason to cost more why? cause its better! and xbox360 fans i will be suprised if you have complains about this one.