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Mortal Kombat fever.

I've been in the Mortal Kombat mood lately.  I've been playing some of the old roms, including my favorite MK2.

I havn't played Deception, Shaolin Monks yet, but I saw them at EB for $20 each.  I was thinking about picking them up, but the last MK game I played which was Deadly Alliance, I was disapointed with.  Has anyone played these?  I know Deception, and Monks are totally different games, but still are they worth the pick up?

Of course I could just ask on the forums and get a quick answer.  But I prefer to get answers from my friends on Gamespot.  It's much more reliable.

If they aren't really worth picking up, i'll just cure my craving by boring myself out with the old 16 bit MK's

my semi-review on Auto Assault

The game just isn't that good. I don't feel that I gave it enough of a chance to write a full written review though.

Here's what I think. The game looks alright, not spectacular though, they certainly don't look good enough for the amount of framerate slow downs I had.

The gameplay is pretty boring....it's new and innovative to the MMORPG genre...but still it's boring. You drive around and right click your mouse for 90% of the game doing absolutely mindless quests. The on foot game is horrid, you can tell they put absolutely no effort in it. Everything from the graphics, to the animations look horrible on foot.

I've never even seen a tradeskill system that was so confusing in my career with MMORPGS. I can't even tell you about them because I couldn't figure them out!

Driving you car is pretty fun, and it's cool to customize your own vehicle, but there just wasn't enough to keep me interested.

I never did try PVP. I tried joining these arena battles, but there were never enough people on to join one.

Overall, from what I played, i'd give Auto Assault a 6.9/10

If you're in a desperate need for a change in the MMORPG market, you might want to check it out. But Auto Assault deffinately does not revolutionize anything except for wasting $50.00.

I don't know what to do now! I wanted to play this to take a break from WoW. I'm thinking of trying EQII again, i'm not sure.

Well, I decided to buy Auto Assault.

I've been playing WoW for months now, and am still enjoying it, but I felt it was time for a change, atleast for the time being.  So I bought Auto Assault.

It looked like a very innovative MMORPG, and me, being a big fan of Twisted Metal and all, decided to give it a shot.

I have to say i'm not that impressed so far.  It's not really a bad game so far, but nothing is really sucking me in.  It seems kind of tedious, and frustrating.

I can't give my full review because i've only played a couple hours, and I havn't nearly seen the full potential of the game yet.

It actually kind of reminds me of City of Heroes, infact NCSoft (the people who run CoH, and CoV) are running this game too.  Just like City of Heroes, it seems fun, but not worth the online fee. 

I'll continue playing, and should have a review, or atleast a rating up in a week or so.

Silent Hill - The Movie

I saw Silent Hill today, and I have to admit, I liked it.  Most game movies are horrible game adaptations, but this one stayed somewhat true.  Now there is no doubt it wasn't on the spot, but overall it kept faithful.  Just like in the games, I was really creeped out at some points...especially during the school house. ( Pyramid Head anyone?!?!?! )

I kind of wish they would have used Sean Bean as the main character instead of the woman, I think it would have been better if the male played the main role.  I know it sounds sexist, but I think the males fit the Silent Hill roll better, that's why I like 1 and 2 better than 3.

If you're a Silent Hill fan, you should atleast semi-enjoy this film.  I'm deffinately buying it when it comes out on DVD, I hope they put a bunch of good extras on it.

Finally found RE2

After regretably getting rid of most of my PSX games years ago, i've been on the hunt for some of my favorites....after almost a year of seaching I found Resident Evil 2 at EBGames the other day for $15.00, I'm so psyched.  By far it's one of my favorite PSX games.  Now to find Final Fantasy VII...ugh.

Starting to review games once again.

Well I've start writing reviews for games again. I used to write reviews all the time on Gamefaqs a few years ago, but stopped for multiple reasons, but i've gotten in the habit of writting them again.

I've written about 5 reviews lately, go ahead and check them out if you want,and let me know what you think. Some of the are a little old, and my opinion is expressed from that time era, and not currently.

I know no one really reads them, and i'm basically writing the reviews for my own personal enjoyment, but hey oh well, it keeps up my writing skill (i'm not saying it's great or anything :P) But if you enjoy my reviews, let me know, and thank you for reading them. I do put alot of thought into them, and express my true feelings on the games.

You'll have to excuse my grammer sometimes though.  I try to do good with it on the most part, but i'm usually listening to music or watching tv or playing a game when i'm writting the reviews so my mind isn't always on the prize, so there a few errors at times, and I apologize for that.  Hopefully it doesn't disguise the quality of the review though

a new baseball season!

The 2006 baseball campaign has started, and i'm psyched.  Hopefully this will be the year for the Cardinals! 

Alot of teams have improved this year, and i'm anxious to see how htis season turns out.

Here are my predictions for standings

NL West

NL Central

NL East

AL West

AL Central

AL East
Blue Jays
Red Sox
Devil Rays

First impressions of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Besides Perfect Dark Zero, Resident Evil 5, and Gears of War, this is one of my most anticipated games for the 360.  Surprisingly I wasn't a big fan of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.  I think I played it a total of 12 hours before I quit, but still I was so anxious to get this game.

Well now I have it, and here are my first impressions.
When I first started playing I was blown away, the graphics were amazing, the voice acting was great, and the gameplay seemed alot more fun and involving.  The first time I walked out of the sewer and into the outdoors I was just blown away by the beauty of the environment. 

As I moved on I ran into the same problem that I had with Elder Scrolls III....I died too much.  Not but maybe 2 hours into the game I was fighting monsters that seemed as tough as a boss would be.  Also just like the last game, I feel like I'm missing something, like there is stuff I should know that would help me out, but i'm just going through the game the hard way.

Last night I decided to try a new class to see if that was my problem, and I hope it is, so this doesn't end up in the back of my game collection to never be played again.

I really do like the game though, much more than I did Elder Scrolls III, and I hope I learn more about the game so I can continue to advance in this fascinating world.
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