im thinking it would be a good moce if nintendo remade smash 64 for the ds. add a few new features, boost the graphics a bit, maybe add a bit of touch screen (optional obviously), and throw some online in there somewhere.
i need to go forward in time to march 9th, so that i can play brawl. im probably going to fail every class this semster because of that game. Wi-fi, subspace emissary, brawl, and all the rest. who else cant wait?
Sephiroth had great music, but the problem with that fight was you had to sit through a 5 minute animation of his ultimate move every few turns. If your characters were on low health you'd be sitting there, waiting, for what seems like eternity, wondering which ones were going to die and which where going to survive. In the end it was super boring.
Well here's some notable ones:
Ganon (OoT, Wind Waker) The Boss (MGS3) Omega Pirate, Meta Ridley, Metroid Prime (Metroid Prime) Verdugo (Resident Evil 4)
Which Sephiroth? the one from Kingdom Hearts was cool and hard if you ask me. Such crazy moves
UGH. That Sephiroth was MADNESS. I never ended up beating him with my level 100 sora, yet my brother beat him at level 40. GAH.
I'm on my Wii right now, and a few minutes ago, I was searching through my wii memory, and looking though the channels, found a channel I haven't seen before. It looked like the static of an unoccupied channel on the main menu, except there was a big "?" in it, and the details were as follows: "???" I went back to the main menu, and looked at all my channels, and only the ones that looked occupied were. I went back to the system memory and it was still there. My friend said it might be the cookies from the internet channel. Does anybody know what this is?
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