This video (linked @ 23:44) made me fall in love with the game. It's from the tutorial level. He's completely drained his ammo and just as things look grim, a gun from a fallen enemy floats by (low gravity area) and he grabs it. Awesome!
Hard_Target's forum posts
If you're on the ropes about buying the game, check out this gameplay footage. It will help you decide! It's basically the opening of the game (which will show spoilers) and the tutorial level.
Halo 4 - First Impressions
For those of you who already have it, what are some things you guys like, or dislike, about the game?
Best Buy just finished a promotion last week. "Trade-in ANY game and get 100% extra." 6 games got a guy like $144 on a gift card. Dope.
Maybe they'll do something similar again. They usually run 40-50% extra as a normal promotion.
[QUOTE="Tree06"]Haha. For some reason when I read the title, I thought you were referring to employees who sell games. That seems to be the turn of video games recently.billyd5301
If you could teach a zombie to say "Is there anything you need to preorder today?" it work out perfectly, and be more entertaining than the kid trying to keep his part time job.
I co-sign with this.Haha. For some reason when I read the title, I thought you were referring to employees who sell games. That seems to be the turn of video games recently.Tree06I would have to agree with you on that. I see retail employees sending games out the door with an assembly line fashion. No passion behind the product.
It really erks my nerves to say, "Hey, what do you think about [insert game title here]?" and get one of two responses:
1. "Thank you for choosing [insert commercial retail store here]. That game is very good. Would you like some extra accessories or a protection plan to go with it?"
2. "Idk...I dun really play teh gamez. I just sellum." *proceed to chew gum*
They need to get the right employees in the right places.
*Before tax
The Man's Money
-Guy buys Arcade console, pays $200 (-200)
-Guy gets $100 back from e-giftcard package (-100)
-Guy then sells you Xbox for $100 (0)
-Guy breaks even, but $100 of his money is now on an e-giftcard
Your Money
-You wait in line, paying $0 (0)
-Guy approaches you with Xbox, you pay $100 (-100)
-You save $100 on regular Xbox price, making your purchase equivalent to receiving the e-giftcard (0)
-Technically, you break even as well, but your money is in your pocket instead of on a giftcard.
If so, I assume the guy simply wanted the e-giftcard probably in relation to Christmas. Or..Maybe he knows something we don't about using this e-giftcard at the specified website. Who knows??
Outstanding title.
Wouldn't recommend it to people that hate dialouge & reading in games though.
So far, my playthrough has been about 65% conversation, 20% lore reading 10% running around, and only 5% action.
It has started to pick up though and this is probably one of my favorite RPGs in quite some time. The spells, skills, character development, and everything is simply impressive.
This game meets, if not surpasses, the bar for how storytelling is done, like it or not.
The graphics suffer a little from being a PC import, but honestly, that makes no difference to me.
Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of developers pushing the graphics cards to the limit saying, "OH YES! Our game has the best graphics, yadda yadda, yadda.."
But then, when you play it, you experience the most God-awful frame rates known to man -- Annoying. I would rather play a game that flows smoothly on screen even if the graphics suffer a little, because chuggy frames take away a lot more from my gaming experience than questionable graphics ever will.
But I digress...
Dragon Age: Origins is right up there with Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion for my favorite console RPGs of all time.
Comparing them side-by-side, though, would be ludacris as they are honestly just two different forms of RPG completely.
It seems to me that every single game that has ever included zombies or is made in with a zombie-esque medium instantly becomes a classic -- and usually for good reason.
Left 4 Dead
Dead Rising
Nazi Zombies
I am not bashing this fact, as I love zombie titles whole-heartedly and probably always will...
But the question at hand is..Do you think that shady game developers will one day notice this trend and start releasing "junk" zombie titles purely to capitalize on our love this genre?
I ask this because I fear that if this ever were to happen, it could easily get out of hand and we will have say goodbye to polished titles that have had much effort put into them and be forced to say hello to a new generation of horribly thrown-together, dead-line riddled zombie games.
I guess you could call them...the zombie games of... well, zombie games.
I have already started to see a few instances foreshadowing my theory in games like Zombie Wranglers.
All I ask, fellow zombie lovers, is that you not stand idley by and watch this happen. Long live (or..not live) the zombies!
:D :D :D
Yes, I will be mindlessly buying Left 4 Dead 2 the day it comes out just as I did the first one. Ha ha.
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