I did a quick look at my favorite shows to see what the recent reviews were here. I found some to be good, but I took some, natural offensive, to the bad ones. Hey, we always say to ourselves, “what are you talking about!” Well, anyway, I disregarded them as boneheads and pressed on reading. Then I noticed a pattern. The same pattern I noticed with the 1300+ reviews attached to Family Guy. Damn, if most of the bad, pan, reviews weren’t from one timers. People that just pop on, create an account, and write a good/bad review and vanish. Which brings me to a micro rant… My personal point of view is this: Anyone who creates multiple personas for the sole purpose of either bolstering or panning a shows ranking or status is one of the lamest people on this site. Are you people so out of touch with reality that you live for your TV Show…or are you so filled with distain of a shows fan base that you do a Sybil just to write bad reviews. Hello, McFly, think, it’s just a TV show. Get a library card and read more. For you, TV causes brain damage.
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