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Time To Say Good By...

Yesterday, the final step was approved for a personal project of mine. It was a surprise, and a welcomed turn of events. With that...I will need to retire from web community involvement, not only here but throughout all the web places I frequent during the weekdays. So folks, it been real fun...frustrating but fun, I wish the best to all... :)

Aloof Editors

I seem to be losing interest in this place again. I am having a real hard time with some aloof level 50 editors I have to deal with. Case in point…. I have over 60 submissions on a show I like. I figured it needs some work and I like it…therefore I’ll do some work. And hey, if I make editor, cool. The current editor has 900+ points on the show, so I’m no threat. So, off I go to work it. I do crews and summaries. Then I wait for approval. And wait I do… Damn if this guy pops on, once every week or so, and approves just a few then vanishes for another week. He approves just enough, like a handful of low pointers only. What, it’s too much trouble to read a summary or two? But this guy’s not the only one. Another level 50 also has a problem approving submissions to a show they really don’t want to give up…so I get an approval of just one or two low points, then have to wait a week before they do another two or three. I’ve just about had it with this ego crap. This site deals with free material content. And if the editors can’t be responsible enough to work their shows or allow others to do it, then what’s the point of screwing around with it here. I’ve got better things to do than to stroke the egos of fulltime TV watchers.

TV Rage and Editor Hording

I had someone read some of the work I’ve been doing and said that I should go over to TVRage.com and setup myself and some shows there as well. Not knowing what it was, I checked it out. My impression of the place was…”yea, so?” I got the impression it was a TV.Com wannabe. Nothing more. As I surfed around I noticed many back links to here on “more information” links. Many of the personas there are those from here. So what makes Rage any better than here? And as for that matter…why would I want to double my efforts at two different TV show sites that have the same format? I frankly have an issue with people doing that. I feel that it’s just an ego trip…kinda like some high level people here hording shows and personality editorships to 20+ more shows and personalities just for the sake of showing off how many they got. We all know that anything more than a handful of shows, especially those that are still on the air, are very high maintenance to write and keep up. Some go as far as to approve submissions one or two at a time every several days, so they don’t get gigged for “Not working their submissions” or disapproving submissions on the minutest of technicalities…all for the sake of not losing a show they themselves don’t even work. The amount of show and people you edit doesn’t demonstrate how much fan devotion you have…just how much of a selfish butt head you are. Now, I’m not talking about those that have many, and have completed work on the shows and bios…but of those, like one person, that has over 100 personalities in there editor listing, and virtually all have NOTHING but some trivia points listed for each. They dole out editorships to people that wants them. What’s that crap! This is all too stupid for me. I don’t find TVRage to being all that. It’s actually a carbon copy of here without style. As for Bad editors and hording…I’ll tell you this…if you have a show that I would like to work on…and you pull an ego trip on me…I will make you work to keep it. That’s a promise I can surely keep. ;)

Quiet Weekends

I have been around now for several months. I have found that TV.Com is most defeinatly a Monday thru Friday kinda place. Not that that’s bad, mind you. Not at all. There just seems to be more activity all around by folks during the week than on the weekend. Could it be that we are clandestine users from cubicles scattered around the world. Sneaking in between stacks of e-paperwork? Could it be that this is the time, when Stay-at-home-moms can whoosh away after the kids are gone to school and hubby is at work? Or students need a break from classes and wi-fi in during a lecture? The possibilities are endless. For me…I find it a great time to update guides and submit new material to others. This is a good homey place to be… :)

TV In The Cinema

Okay...TV shows on the big screen…nothing new right? Right. This was a trend started successfully by the Star Trek franchise. Reversing a trend of Big Screen to Little Screen that Hollywood thought would do well. Trek bucked the idea and showed all that it can make money reversing the process. And with that we got some…bad remakes. Now, we can easily count what made the jump from small screen to big screen well. That was Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and…um…well…that’s it. Then we had bad remakes like, Beverly Hillbillies, Starsky and Hutch, The Avengers, Dukes of Hazzard…and several others that make me shutter to type them out. Now we have yet more coming; Dallas, Miami Vice, The Equalizer, Welcome Back Kotter and 24. Oh, my, what are they thinking? Look, us baby boomers really don’t need to have old TV on the big screen. No, we realllllly don’t. And if you are looking for a new audience in a younger generation…it just not going to happen. They are far more up to speed with entertainment than you think. Hollywood….I guess this yet another example of just how out of touch you people are with average America. Still wasting money and talent on junk entertainment. Even when you believe you are actually doing something we would like.

CBS News Stupid Move

Well, CBS President Les Moonves is now convinced Katie Couric should be the next anchor for the CBS evening News. Simply put…this is the most incredible stupidest move that any Exec could take. It’s as bad as giving Chevy Chase his own late night talk show…shutters…. Look, the perky Katie is fine doing serious stuff on The Today Show…but damn, the serious stuff on news that is about 6 hours old by airtime…that takes a talent that she doesn’t have. And frankly, I don’t believe she can be taken seriously either. She is an entertainer, not a journalist. No…she does have paper credentials…but no talent for journalism. This is body rehash of the network stars. Moving one personality around to the different news chairs is just plain stupid and ignorant. And the network newsrooms wonder why they are bleeding viewers.

Multiple Personas

I did a quick look at my favorite shows to see what the recent reviews were here. I found some to be good, but I took some, natural offensive, to the bad ones. Hey, we always say to ourselves, “what are you talking about!” Well, anyway, I disregarded them as boneheads and pressed on reading. Then I noticed a pattern. The same pattern I noticed with the 1300+ reviews attached to Family Guy. Damn, if most of the bad, pan, reviews weren’t from one timers. People that just pop on, create an account, and write a good/bad review and vanish. Which brings me to a micro rant… My personal point of view is this: Anyone who creates multiple personas for the sole purpose of either bolstering or panning a shows ranking or status is one of the lamest people on this site. Are you people so out of touch with reality that you live for your TV Show…or are you so filled with distain of a shows fan base that you do a Sybil just to write bad reviews. Hello, McFly, think, it’s just a TV show. Get a library card and read more. For you, TV causes brain damage.

Confessions of Unwatched Shows

Ah, yes, it’s confessions time. What shows have I never watched…and I mean Big Hit shows. Since I never worked around where a water cooler…or cubical existed, I never had co-workers that had show recaps to indulge with. Therefore…I wasn’t chastised for not watching “The” show of the time. So I picked and chose what I thought was best, not what the group was watching So what shows were they? Well here’s the top ten. Okay…let the Gasping begin… 1. Cheers 2. Seinfeld 3. Sex In The City 4. Friends 5. Sopranos 6. Any CSI 7. Everybody Loves Ramond 8. Roseanne 9. The Cosby Show 10. Law and Order And the biggest one of them all…. 24. So, can you just imagine how TV entertainment deprived I am? Ah, but there are more…just not as “big” as those listed above…

Fans Or Figures?

Ever wonder what your favorite Star does during a day? Ever wonder how they go about their evenings at home? Or how they do stuff with their kids…or maybe where they go shopping for groceries? Ever wonder? And if so…why? Really…why do you think of such things? Do you really care about the lives of a TV star? You do realize they are just people…people that have chosen acting as a trade…a job. To you wonder what you favorite handyman does during their day? Your favorite hair stylist? Bartender? Come on folks…reality check. I have an issue with all those common folk out there that live their lives through their TV favorites. I don’t care what Ophra reads. I don’t care if Sara is going to have a baby. I could care less if Jennifer will get back with Brad. I just don’t care. It’s private petty none-of-your-business nonsense. I believe that the lives of my kids supercedes all of them and that TV or Film celebrities are nothing more than people doing a job. And most of you star struck boneheads should do the same.

Another Awful Oscars

So…I will not address the jist of the Oscars, the winners, losers etc. I will address the Show, the Performance that was the Oscar Telecast. Simply put….it sucked. Chris Rock was awful last year. Stewart was down right dead meat in a suit this year. Try as he might to be funny…but five good one-liners over a four-hour period, was terrible. It lacked everything Carson, Crystal or Martin ever had doing the show. Stewart was not right for it. His hip and with it flare was not there. He was hiped to the hilt for weeks but Hollywood’s golden new star exploded into a super-nova and burned out. The entertainment was even worse. God bless…”it’s tough to be a pimp…” performed during family hour. You have got to be kidding me. And you wonder why Hollywood Cinema is sinking fast as an entertainment medium. Oh, Cause Count. That’s a tough call. I had 9 ribbons seen, 4 the same. No one spoke anything that I noticed.. But then again, it was a gay night anyway. That must count for something. The Bush Bash count was low, I had 12 only liners. But then again…they all came from lame man Stewart. Ooooo…shocker there.
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