well; My wife has a white ds lite, i have a red mario kart ds fat, and a new blue and black lite, my son has a fat blue and a pink lite. Let me tell you they come in handy when I have friends over and we blow out Mario Kart!
But the real question should be what can't you do with 5 of them!
Shouldn't the real question be what's your son doing with a pink DS Lite? :S
[QUOTE="7CloudStrife7"]so then just don't buy themCorvidae
... If he didnt buy them, there wouldn't be many games left TO purchase.. Thats why he's worried. If the solution was that simple, why would he be posting about it?
Thank you. I hate when people give you that answer, because it's generic and requires no thought. Why post at all? Thanks again for seeing that I at least have a point.
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