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HeavenNathious Blog

The Vote is Closed! And a Heads Up...It's a Friends List Cleanout!

Yes, the voting of the Star Wars pics is now closed! Thanks to everyone who voted, it was really close! Special thanks to my friends who managed to break the tie! The winner is...

Picture #1!!!!!

Yup, so expect to see this as my blog's new header image later. To be honest, I liked this one the best too, for some reason. If not this one, then number 4. This was the score:

  1. 6
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Wow, 5 and 6 were totally blown away. Thank you all for voting and commenting on my blog!

And a heads up, sometime tomorrow I'm cleaning out my friend's list. There are a few people who I've never even talked to. If you were just added, maybe within a week or so, you're staying on my friends list for sure. I'll make a blog about it, and if you want to stay, post there. Please don't post saying you want to stay in this blog.

I guess I'll go back to all my blogs and see who posted and who didn't. Even if you didn't post in a blog, if you talked to me on your blog, through PM, or I'm in your union at Gamespot, you'll stay. Btw, I already know some of the people who make to talk to me and who don't.

If you got cut and still want to be friends, track me again and I'll accept you so long as we talk from time to time. I'm a nice person. I!? :shock: No, but seriously. So, tomorrow...

Peace out!

Spring Break Starts Now!! And Please Vote

Yes!!! My spring break started today! Now I don't have to do anything for a week and more! Basically today classes were shortened to about 40 minutes instead of their usual hour or whatever, and we pretty much watched movies all day. Except in science we had a quiz that I got 12/24 on. Oh. :? I probably should've come in for help. This sucks because on the last three quizzes I got all A's and now I have this failing mark on my record.

But to compensate for that, our science teacher did this cool experiment in class where he took a bucket, mixed some corn starch with fire and something else, then blew into a tube. Fire shot out!! Ah ha ha ha! The fire reached up to the ceiling! It was awesome! There was corn starch all over the floor, and every time our teacher did it, you could taste this bland ash in your mouth. I'd show you guys a picture of the fire, but of course I didn't know we could bring our cameras so I don't have anything. But I'm pretty sure you can imagine what it looks like. :twisted::twisted::twisted:

And at the end of the day, we had people do a talent show. Which sucked. I only liked about two or three of the acts, but the ones I liked were really good.

Also, if you haven't already voted for the Star Wars thing in my last blog, please do so. Read it for details. I think at this rate we're going to have a tie between #3 and #4, and I'd appreciate it if someone could break that tie. If it comes to it, I'll vote for the one I like best. I'll wrap up this voting thing sometime tomorrow.

OMG, spring break! YES!!!!!

Funny Star Wars Pics, and Vote!

I'm sorry, but after the one on my last blog, I just couldn't help myself. :lol: I thought these ones were funny. So, if you want to, leave a comment and vote for your favorite! I'll tally them up sometime tomorrow night. The one that wins...I guess I'll make as my new header image or something. You can vote for up to 2 different pics,, and you can only vote for each once. So pick your top 2 and vote. But only once. :evil: (for each) And after one more day, I have spring break! No more school for a whole week! I'm syched!







Please vote!

Got Myself a Few Goals/Did You Know???

I haven't been doing much, just working on some more AMV junk and hunting along the forums. I just got 500 message board posts. Now I've got a few goals for myself for these sites. I'm gonna hope to do these by the time summer hits. I probably won't, since I'm just too lazy :P

Will I be able to...?

  1. To get to level 20 on (halfway there)
  2. To get to level 10 on Gamespot (halfway there also, but I don't go on it as much)
  3. To get 100 blog posts
  4. To get 1,500 forum posts (a third of the way there)
  5. To get 100 friends (um...)
  6. To get 50 contributions
  7. To get 40 reviews

I don't think I'll be able to do one or two of these things, but I believe! For now.

And did you know???

A cat's urine glows under a black light.

There's a city called Rome on every continent.

All the gold ever mined could be molded into a cube 60 feet tall and 60 feet wide.

Deer are killed by more drivers than hunters :lol:

Women end up digesting most of the lipstick they apply :shock:

The U.S. eastern seaboard consumes almost 50% of all ice cream sandwiches.

Crocodiles swallow stones to help them dive deeper.

People who are lying to you tend to look up and to their left.

And here's another interesting picture:

That's just downright's most likely fake, but still...Sorry Elmo :?

See you later.

Possibly the Longest Word that You'll Never Say

I was always wondering what the longest word I looked it up (I was really bored :? ) It's called titin, or connectin. It's the largest known protein made up of 26,926 amino acids. It's molecular weight is about 2,993,451.39. The full name has 189,819 letters, sometimes it's stated to be one of the longest word in the English language. Why the heck would you even bother to make a word that long, and even bother to try and spell it. It would take you so long just to try and say it. Also, the full deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is alleged to have 207,000 letters, but the whole word has never been printed. Whoa.

Also, happy St. Patrick's Day. Luckily I remembered to wear green, so I didn't get pinched or anything, but I was wearing a blue sweatshirt over my shirt, so people kept yelling "You're not wearing green!" but then I showed them and they went "Oh." Kids at my school are weird. Here's some pictures.

That's the google logo that was used last year.

I don't like Spongebob anymore...:|

How'd your day go?

What if the Internet Got Shut Down?

Really, what if? The world would be driven into chaos and all civilization would crumble :shock: Wouldn't that suck? No more, GameSpot, Youtube. Aw...

Yeah, that's my question for today. Try to come up with the most convaluted scenario for the future if that were to happen, if you can. I made another Megaman AMV, that's not as good as the others in my opinion. I went back to my normal habit of using a Linkin Park song. Watch it if you want to.

A few of my videos seems to be much more popular than others.

My Saturday's been pretty boring so far. I just chilled back and ate me some ramen :P And some good hot chocolate. I've been trying to find some good AMV material on iTunes. I haven't come out of my room since I woke up, and it's 11:15 where I am. I also edited my profile. Here's a disturbing picture I found.

A Kid Dies as a Ninja

Wow this week feels like it went by fast. It still feels like it's Tuesday. Except I have that stupid hunger assignment :|

Did anyone hear about the kid who died while imitating Naruto? A 10 year old boy in Seattle and his friends were playing in a sandbox and imitating Gaara's special sand attacks or something. The boy's friends buried him under the sand and he was choking and thrashing around. Apparently his friends thought he was kidding. :roll: They didn't pull him out until the damage was already done. He was rushed to the hospital and died with his family all around him. Nothing's gonna happen to the show, it was simply an accident. This was pretty sad when I saw it. I found this on the homepage.

I don't get why their parents would let them watch a teenage Japanese anime show. Kids imitate what they see, and the results are bad. :|

Now, I'm going to relax with my ramen, sit back, enjoy my weekend and watch anime online. :P

No, seriously. I plan on eating that stuff this weekend.

And I just realized, I've been a member for a little over a month. Ya!

What are you Hungry for? Huh?

We have to do a stupid assignment in school where we write about what we really hunger for and tie it into a book that we just finished in school. It's called Life of Pi. So, I'm asking, what do you really want? What do you hunger for? What's missing from your life that you want in it? What is your salvation? Huh!? Sorry if it sounds weird, that's what our teacher always says. :| For me, it's excitement or not to be bored, because I'm always bored. That's why I make blogs. :P That...or Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

By the way, I changed my icon. Anyone notice? Yeah, probably...


* Signs say "complaints" if you can't read it.

By the time you finally get there, you forget what you were going to complain about in the first place...

No, Dirk4MVP is Banned

Dammit. Dammit. He's banned. I just found out, even though this may have been old news. He was a great friend. What could he have done, anyway? And what are the mods doing? They're banning too many people, and it's all random. I'm sick and tired of this.

Matt will be missed. :(:|:cry: Any one of us could be next :shock:

A Few Games I'm Looking Forward to

Now that Brawl's out of the way, I'm looking forward to the future a little more. Unfortunately I don't have a PS3 or Xbox 360 so my options are pretty limited. I can't really play some of the big hardcore games :( And I still don't have Brawl either! :cry: I'll be sharing my thoughts on these games, too.

First up: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

Platform: PSP Release Date for North America: March 25, 2008 Release Date for Europe: Quarter 2, 2008

Yay, that's so soon! This one looks awesome!

Okami for Wii

Platform: Wii Release Date: April 2008

I had the PS2 version but the stupid piece of crap broke and I didn't feel like buying another one. Now I get to play it on the Wii.

Mario Kart Wii

Platform: Wii, obviously Release Date for North America: Spring-Summer 2008 Release Date for Europe: April 11, 2008

Hopefully it doesn't suck.

Secret Agent Clank:

Platform: PSP Release Date: Summer-Fall 2008

Like the original Ratchet and Clank, only smaller. And you get to play as Clank a lot.

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

Platform: Wii, PS2, PS3, XBox 360 (*sigh* :( ) Release Date for North America: June 29, 2008 Release Date for Europe: June 2008

It's gonna rock. Enough said.

And finally...

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Platform: PSP Release Date: TBA 2008-2009

I'm looking forward to this one the most :D

And also...

Kingdom Hearts: 385/2 Days (pronounced 385 Days Over 2)

Platform: Nintendo DS Release Date: TBA 2008

Doesn't look as impressive as the other one, but still looks cool.

I really need to get myself a PS3 or a 360. Soon! I'm 100 dollars short.

That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed my museum. Also, check out my new header image if you already haven't. :D