@DSkinMasque @CleanPlayer LMAO! You made me laugh a lot XD. I enjoyed both demos, so I dont think the game is bad, it is quite the contrary, I think the game is really good when you play it with a friend. It is a shame you are not able to enjoy this game. For what I have played and seen, it will be a great experience. Just because you follow reviews like a zombie does not make your opinion right ; but still If you think the review concurs with how you see the game, good for you; but I have not cared for reviews for some years now, and I dont regret it. I prefer to make my own opinion based on the demos, and gameplay vids, that has allowed me to play and enjoy lots of games that were supposed to be "mediocre".
@CleanPlayer yep, I am buying it. I enjoyed the demo a lot, I like all the gameplay vids I have seen; and I am a fan of the franchise. I dont give a damn about reviews.
I am buying it. I don't give a damn about reviews anymore. I enjoyed both demos, every gameplay video I have seen is great and I am a fan of all RE games; so this is a must buy for me. I wonder when people will stop listening to reviews, and judge the games by themselves, watching gameplay vids, trailers and playing the demos.
I have had lots of fun with games rated mediocre like God Hand, Shadows of the Damned, NeverDead, etc. That is why I don't trust reviews. From the demos I can tell this game plays very different from your standard 3rd person shooter; and I love that because Capcom is trying new things. I hate when every other game tries to be a clone of other; because playing the same thing for 3-4 times gets boring, that is why I am happy with Capcom this time (even though I have hate them in the past due to their Disk locked content nonsense).
The gameplay takes a bit to get used to, but the more you play it the better it gets, and if you are playing with a friend, it is a blast.
I am writing this, so people can make their own opinion of the game, and not follow like a zombie every review out there.
I can already tell that they will bundle this demo with MGR: revengeance. If they dont do that, now that they have already announced a true MGS game, people would not buy it the spin-off. Similar to Zone of the Enders and MGS2 XD
Heavenly_King's comments