@razik: Except it doesn't. Come on, this is a Tom Clancy game. If this were destiny, sure, I'd agree. They can easily explain bullet sponge enemies with hulking aliens in sets of armor, or even with sci-fi mumbo jumbo. But Tom Clancy makes military shooters. Rainbow six, ghost recon etc. Squishy people wearing fatigues and kevlar. Squishy people can't tank bullets with their faces.
Hell, it even conflicts with other gameplay elements. Bullet sponge does not mesh well with cover based shooting. The whole point of cover based shooting is that you or enemy characters can't take a lot of hits, so you gotta take cover.
Sure, enemies that can tank stupid amounts of damage suits an RPG. But they don't suit a modern day military cover based shooter with RPG elements.
The whole bullet sponge thing is a deal breaker for me. It can completely ruin the feel for an otherwise good game if it doesn't fit, and it certainly sounds like it doesn't fit.
@Fia1: I wouldn't say that the protagonist is able to beat everything. You gotta remember that kylo is no darth vader. He's a kid with anger issues and incomplete training. Not to mention that he got hit in the gut with chewie's bowcaster, which ain't no peashooter.
Hellknite190's comments