HellsChampion's forum posts
Got to network settings on your PS3 and disable media servers or whatever, that's what causes it to mess up, let me know when it worksspazmaticmof0
Omg! Thank you so much! It worked in an instant! Much thanks spazmaticmof0 =D && thanks for your concern and help too Scianix-Black =)
As much as I hate to say it, I doubt it was the update that killed your PS3. I'm going through the exact same thing right now. My PS3 stopped reading discs on Wednesday while I was playing NHL 08. It won't read DVD movies, PS2 games, or PS3 games. I have to wait for Sony to send me a pre-paid shipping box so I can return my unit before they'll send me a replacement (refurbished) system. It almost makes me wish I'd spent the $100 on Best Buy's replacement plan. I've only had mine for a month and a half so I wish they could replace it with a new unit. I wish you luck in getting yours replaced.spiff_p239
My Ps3 hasn't broke on me and hopefully it never does. But what do yuo have to do in order to replace it? And is it free?
System worked fine until the 1.93 update.
Now when I insert a disc, (CD, DVD, BRay, PS3 Game, PS2 Game, PS1 Game, Etc), it won't autoplay, and it won't give me the option to play in the crossbar menu. Games won't show up in the games sections, movies won't show up in the video section, and music won't show up in the musc section of the crossbar.
I called Playstation Tech Support, and they had me reboot, clean disc, reset sys to defaults, etc, nothing worked and now they want me to replace the system, if I have the reciept, which I don't. Bought the thing on launch day back in November, it's a 60gig model.
Anyone have any ideas? Already took a can of air to the thing.
OMG! Are you serious!!?? my system won't even allow me to install this update.
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