@lilhurk1985187: yea & that's y NFL 2K5 is considered one of the greatest if not the greatest football game ever right? Did u even play any of the 2K series?
@nazart81: I was going to post the same thing. They cared more about finishing the dlc then fixing the game crashing bugs. For that I'll never buy another game from that studio. They fucked themselves on that one.
There has to be X-Men in this game. Wolverine, Magneto, & bring back Cyclops & Psylocke. If they have time to bring anyone else back than cool but those four please bring back. & really Deadpool is a very popular character & you would leave him off of the roster??? Bring back Ghost Rider. I know a lot of ppl didn't like him but he was my dawg. I frustrated a lot of ppl with him lol. Oh yea bring back Iceman & Juggernaut. Yea you just can not have any X-Men characters in this game. I don't care if Marvel is mad @ Fox or not. They're still apart of Marvel comics so put em in there. Also put in Jon Talban from Darkstalkers in the game. Bring back Venom, Hayato, Captain Commando, Wesker, & Thanos but make him better. Bring back Dr. Strange too.
@Thanatos2k: Well to be fair, it wasn't Mega Man X in the last installment. & technically he wasn't in MvC2 either (that was just good old Mega Man). & Captain Marvel is new to the series. But I understand about everyone else. I'm still waiting for the confirmation that no X-Men characters are gonna be in the game. & then it becomes a no buy for me.
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