so sony will have the more powerful console again? hmm.... we all know how that worked out for them this gen.*spoilers*the 360 still sold more consoles and made more money worldwide. *end spoilers*
Lol M$ bragging about winning this gen by calling their next xbox "xbox won". Oh M$ you funny. and cocky.
ps3 fanboys: the ps3 will surpass the 360! just you wait.*7 years later*360 fanboys: 360 is still ahead... bringing in more mula too. ps3 fanboys; but... but... RROD! HAHA
isn't sonys stock still in a terrible spot? even with this increase it is still weak? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?
LOL at all these angry sony ponys. still mad that the 360 was more successful than the ps3? #dealwithitmaybe sony learned their lesson this time? maybe they won't repeat this gen's mistakes with the next? who am I kidding though... it is sony. $599 US DOLLARS!!!!!!
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