Chris Murphy is as stupid as he is ignorant. Guns were glorified in books, movies and music long before videogames. The gun that he may have seen in a videogame that Chris speaks of was not even used. And then there is the fact that shootings at schools and gun violence in general predate videogames all together. Poor parenting, and mental/emotional issues are the only issues that lead to the events at Sandy Hook. Politicians in this country are about the dumbest, laziest, educated people.
For the first time in the 36 years I have been gaming I can say so far the next generation of gaming doesn't excite me. The Wii was for children, the WiiU is lame as shit. If Xbox and PlayStation are just going to follow suit of Nintendo then I'm done. Please stick with the current controller Sony & Microsoft.
The whole thing is ridiculous. The governor is an idiot, this is no more insulting than any game or movie being released since the shooting, and no one thinks there being insulting. The NRA is just as stupid for placing blame on violent video games. Military style weapons are not needed, but that's not the point. Its about having that choice. The whole thing this country was founded on. Gun laws do not prevent gun crimes. That thought process is as ignorant as saying drug laws prevent drug use. Or that prohibition stopped alcohol use. If someone wants to kill a person or persons they will find away. 911 proved that. Quit punishing law abiding citizens for the crimes committed by stupid idiots. If people started running people over with cars and trucks would we outlaw them or restrict people from buying larger vehicles. No, we punish the one who break the law.
I don't see why anyone who is a fan of the game would be offended by this. I find it fitting for the game. Dismembered torso, check, bikini clad women, check. Both things prominent in the games. Maybe not the coolest collectable or worth the extra money, but offencive, please. Bunch of winey, complaining little BS if you ask me. How can you play these games and be offended by this.
Im glad I decided to hold off on Skyrim. I am done with Bethesdas Elder Scrolls & Fallout games until they make the PS3 the primary when developing the games. Im just so tired of getting games that dont work right. And for all the PS3 haters, Its a developing issue, not a hardware issue. Besides, I have Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Dragons Dogma to keep me busy.
I dont like the cost of PS Vita memory cards either, But when you look at the market they are not that different from from other price models. Android tablet with 16GB = 299.99 same tablet with 32GB= 399.99. Apple IPAD with 32GB= 599.99 same Ipad with 64GB= 699.99. and Ipod touch is not that much better. So quit trying to make a big deal about it and get over it.
I think when targeting the general public alot of these statments are true, But when targeting Gamers looking for a console experiance on the go reviews need to stop making comparisons to phones and tablets. I love the portable handheld experiance, And I am very put off by gaming on my phone or tablet. Games like Angry Birds are great for a quick fix or to kill time at the doctors office. But are not remotly a deep gaming experiance on the go. No Touch screen only game can come close to a console experiance. A game is more than just visuals and story, its also about control inputs, timing and percison. I have played many touch screen games on phones and Tables and some a very nice visually and a few even had good stories. They come close in most respects. But as far as a true console experiance on the go they fall flat. I dont care to play in short bursts on my handheld game devices, I use them when traveling and staying in hotels or when im visiting family, or the Family is playing on the home console. I want real games on the go and so do many other gamers. If you want the simplistic games on the phones and tablets play them. I f you want real console games on the go, get a hand gaming device. Quit making comparisons as mind numbingly as comparing the Wii to the 360 or the PS3. There simaler devices yes, But they dont offer the same Experiance.
They didn"t miss any worth mentioning. This article is pointing out what Silent Hill did right. Silent Hill 3 was good, but a step down from 2, Silent Hill 4 was utter crap. Origins was decent, but did not bring anything new to the table.
Because they secretly wish they had PS3s, but are afraid to admit it. Having to step up and admit you were wrong Is something some people just cant do.
HeroKane's comments